“That scene” in Gerald’s Game though...
“That scene” in Gerald’s Game though...
I saw IT FOLLOWS at a festival and was almost apoplectic about how much love it got. It was such a nail-filer for me, even during the rewatch at home.
Truth. It’s hard to tell what’s actually happening but there’s an obvious void here.
FWIW I live in Cali and found it in Texas :-/
You’re not the first person who’s told me that so I get it. But come for chocolate-covered potato chips or french fries in a Wendy’s Frosty and that’ll be fightin’ words.
Sea Salt Caramel Halo Top is THE TRUTH. I ventured out of state and found Oatmeal Cookie HT and devoured it in one sitting.
I worked with her on a shoot and she is not only stunning but absolutely DELIGHTFUL. I just want to be her friend tbh
YES — we were on Koh Phi Phi and there were a few stands of rolled ice cream. I think I overappreciated the novelty but it’s just ice cream TBH
Yas! All. of. this! There is also a ton of intimacy-building to be had in masturbation and many don’t know this.
Aisle Girl is the hero we deserve in 2017 tbh
Ashley and Michael are yet another example of how the RH series can be a death knell of your marriage. Their issues came right out into the spotlight and it’s all but over as seen in the highlights from next week. I hope they’re able to move on and find happiness.
That was beautiful.
My partner was laid off in April and has been interviewing but hiring managers have been impossibly slow to get back to him — even with a rejection. It’s really grinding him down. I wish I do or say more than just “keep at it! You’ll land something!”
True. But I will say that larger companies/corporations with constant turnover may be less inclined (or available) to take the time to challenge unemployment applications. I guess it’ll come down to where you work and the circumstances surrounding your termination.
Getting fired or laid off. It’s a crash course in proactivity vs. reactivity and collecting unemployment will really force you to create a budget. Not to mention it could also help steer you in the direction of a passion you’ve been putting off.
I was at the festival this weekend and in 2015. This year, there were roaming medical staff as mentioned as well as staffed medical tents; I had a friend duck into one with some dehydration. They also employed “Ground Control” crew, volunteers tasked with making sure festivalgoers have everything they need from water…
This feels like SHORTBUS in musical form.
He’s like tap water from Florida that smells of sulfur and tastes like onions
I’m incredibly self-conscious and have been since childhood (lots of bullying, some abuse, etc.) Lots of unwanted negative attention from others has left me overly attentive to the things I do/say/write. And it sucks.
I’ve found that the raised arm hand wave plus a single, slow head nod keeps people in their lane. It’s too intrusive for someone to move into your personal sphere as you’re nodding.