
No such thing as a peaceful genocide, though, whether he uses the word or not >_> So it to me, whether he used it or not, it’s not worth making that distinction.

He just uses softening language to make his views more palatable and more easily accepted by the mainstream. I highly doubt that he gives two shits about the

lol no they wouldn’t. Spencer and his ilk are the offspring of the Confederacy, as is the post-southern strategy Republican party.

This never gets old....

The media should start using this picture of the racist Nazi bastard

Mediocrity is a helluva drug

Isn’t it lovely how these assholes weren’t gassed, shot with rubber bullets, or confronted with tanks? There were no arrests, no police in riot gear. They save that for Black people protesting police brutality.

Oh I bet he already owns the armband.

there’s never a gasoline rainstorm around when you need one.

I do appreciate them making the Russian/alt right connection explicit.

Stick, kerosene, match. What ever happened to American ingenuity and self-sufficiency. Bootstraps, people.

Yeah no. I’ll be the obnoxious German person who says: sure, keep the plantations, the market auction platforms, the shackles and huts. Keep the gallows and whips. Make them into museums and commemorative spaces to grieve, respect and remember the victims.

My guess is none of them give a fuck about the Civil War (Spencer was born in Boston) but mainly care about pissing off “liberal snowflakes.” Probably more so than African Americans with whom should have been giving free reign to beat the snot out of them

Oh, if only that tiki torch was close enough to set the pomade in Richard Spencer’s hair alight...

Chanting “Russia is our friend.” about confederate statue removal.

These assholes used goddamn tiki torches. Trying to kill two birds with one stone: scare people of color and keep skeeters away.Someone needs to punch Spencer again.


Wait... white nationalists decided to protest with tiki-torches? So, we’re supposed to be buying into an ideology of the inherent superiority of white men who have to go out and buy torches from Walmart, which were probably manufactured in China and made off a design aesthetic that was appropriated from Polynesian

“We’re protesting the removal of a statue of someone who did not believe in slavery while evoking images of domestic terrorism because we’re afraid of being pushed aside.” - says assholes who don’t know actual history.

“What brings us together is that we are very scared, highly unintelligent; both intellectually and emotionally, extremely bigoted, wrong, and soon to be forgotten very quickly.”

They were literally carrying torches. I thought that was going to be hyperbole. GrrrrrrrrrrrARRRRRRGH!