It’s pretty telling that they think any random Jew or POC is a direct substitute for a nationally-infamous hatemonger.
It’s pretty telling that they think any random Jew or POC is a direct substitute for a nationally-infamous hatemonger.
“Racists trying too hard to not use the n-word while still reminding those dirty nonwhites that they’re inferior subhuman trash.”
Nazi-shaming. Dear god, these people love to feel persecuted.
“who TF says ‘coloreds’”
4chan kiddies of the alt-reich persuasion who want to sound edgy.
Right? I guess he’s more into white pride than self pride.
Also who TF says “coloreds” except maybe doddering grandparents & Benedict Cumberbatch?
I can see what you’re saying, and I’d ignore him at my own gym, but I’d also maybe feel differently if I wasn’t white.
So alpha, yo.
In before the debate even gets started.
“Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?”
Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?
Pretending to be someone else because you don’t want to get into a confrontation with a woman is extremely alpha, imo
Good! If we can be gerrymandered because political affiliation isn’t a protected class then BY GOD we can show these assholes what being unprotected means!
Charter schools piss me off and this bullshit is just one reason. I’m all for providing alternative methods of instruction, some kids don’t flourish under the standard model, but the should all be under the school board.
Well, he is obviously casual as far as fighting games go. Most people who play injustice are casual, so this type of stuff helps them most. And footsies in a netherrealm game? Cmonnnn