Look at the picture, he’s not touching her.
Look at the picture, he’s not touching her.
One Hannity pundit/playboy model vs. 5 teenage girls? Also, Franken didn’t deny taking the picture. Fuck off, Trumpkin.
Step down? For this??????? Are you high?
I’m sure the fact that she’s a frequent Hannity guest had nothing to do with this coming out now.
This hardly reaches the level of sexual predator. Get a grip.
Nice that I’m still in the grey’s for having the audacity to see nuance.
I don’t know - the most fun we’d have at the Christmas party when I worked in consulting (the nexus of bro-culture) was gossiping about who hooked up after. Now I work at an office that’s 90% straight women, so that doesn’t happen.
I think it’s also a matter of boundaries. Everyone’s are different. I could care less if someone tells me a dirty joke or squeezes my shoulder, but some people have said that’s a violation akin to rape (Also, before you tell me that I don’t understand sexual assault, I’m a rape survivor, so I don’t even try it.)
I basically started crying when Arizona talked about Mark and kept going till the end.
The speed with which the GOP is deserting him leads me to believe she is not.
I hate that this came out the same day as the Louis CK story, because while that is important and those women deserve their right to speak, this is more so because this guy could be a fucking US Senator.
It’s amazing how often Gawker was right.
I’m also super grossed out that the girl in questions parents were rabid Trump supporters who encouraged her to keeps talking to him. EWWWWW.
He’s been legendarily a massive prick, and a creeper for years. The only thing I didn’t already know was that it had crossed into assault.
And sell books. Don’t forget that. I hope it flops.
Arbuckle was innocent. Way to not know your history. Hollywood Babylon calls him the great tragedy of that error, because the false accusation pretty much killed him.
Supposedly, yes. From the same DC gossip mills as Rex Tillerson and “fucking moron” so, probably correct.
Yup. Some lawyer was like “ STOP FUCKING TWEETING YOU IDIOT”.
Kushner’s shining moment will always be “Why don’t you get drunker and fuck another prostitute, Steve?”
I’m going with Green Irish Tweed.