I knew VA did once you got south and west, but I though even out NoVa had gotten better.
I knew VA did once you got south and west, but I though even out NoVa had gotten better.
Southern Illinois is indicative of this...in many towns down there, the prisons are the only employers - so every time there’s a threat of budget cuts, there’s a mass panic.
How did he get elected in the DC exurbs???? Jesus.
Paltrow specifically said she asked Pitt not to tell anyone, you’re saying you think he broke her confidence?
I don’t know. Some friends of mine who work in the business say that Mol is lying and the stories are true.
But if you wouldn’t work with him forget being in an oscar caliber film in that period. You’re saying everyone should have trashed their own careers. That’s not realistic.
Paltrow says that after that Weinstein called and said he’d blackball her if she told anyone else. She may have well asked Pitt never to tell anyone and he respected that.
On the plus side, given the way congressional approval looks- the Turtle ain’t nuking the filibuster for this shit.
Boston sucks.
“Wildflowers” is me and my best friend’s song, so sentimentally, it’s my favorite. I also love “I won’t Back Down”, :Yer So Bad”, “Walls” and “American Girl” because it was my camp song.
Exactly....even King said his thought process when writing it was very different from what came out/was perceived.
Where the Heart Is.
In his defense, he did deal with male rape in Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.
I’m going to go home and hug my cat.
Meghan Kelly Today in which you DON’T cut off a fucking national treasure.
Did anyone else think of “Falling Down”?
Yup - translation “We actively despise each other, but will hold off on announcing our divorce until after this last season.”
The sick thing is, I think they’re actually waiting on that.
You sound like Sansa Stark.
Not sure he can reach California, but he can reach Guam and Seoul without breaking a sweat. Also, lest we forget, there are 35,000 US troops at the Korean border.