
Eli’s about due his 3rd.


That’s fucking terrifying. Moose are huge.

I’m a girl. They have to think through the consequences of punching a woman so they usually just glare and call me the c word under their breath. It’s glorious.

Have you been there? It’s like Alabama with pine trees.

The could have left Hillary off the ballot and put a garden gnome in her place and gotten the same result in CT.

I like to go and wear my Super Bowl XLII T-shirt. The butthurt makes me smile.

I don’t know. A place free of Trumpkins sounds pretty good to me.

Thanks for beating me to it - I was about to say that Stillwater is about the worst NY state has to offer.

Should do wonders for his son’s congressional bid.

I love when he said was it worth it - unequivocally yes. Good for him.

He was planning to tell Jon on his 18th birthday, if you go back to season 1.

I think that he can. There are those who think that the Night King is Brandon Stark - who built the wall.

Except there’s one place he’s not very popular...and that’s...Arizona.

Arizona ain’t Alabama.

Joe is not even a boomer - He’s silent generation. Oy.

Sinema will wipe the floor with Sheriff Hoe and I will enjoy it.

The NH house is the closest thing I’ve seen in this country to the House of Commons. That shit is crazy pants.

Me too. Because I think she’d be acquitted on the felony counts. I think they’ll wait a couple of months for it to die down a little and plead her on the misdemeanors, and give her a year or two of probation.

She’s have to insist on a jury trial and hope for nullification as in technical terms, she is guilty of the misdemeanors for sure.