
Catch more flies with honey, you know?

I will not reveal her name, but I have a friend who knows the ex-girlfriend and shared a go fund me for her (she works for herself so she needs help taking some time off and paying for the extensive therapy she will need to get over this). Anyway, she actually held the door open for people to leave and held the door

He probably think the Keebler Klansman reviving the drug war is a good idea.

I assume these people who vote for them know this.

I heard it’s going to be Giuliani.

If there is such a thing as a gateway drug, it’s Vicodin, not weed.

But if you chug a shit ton of water you can beat the test or at least make it inconclusive.

Yup. Someone didn’t want to breathe beer into the machine right into a vehicular manslaughter charge.

The stories about R. Kelly in Chicago are the stuff of legend. He used to hang out in the parking lot of at least two south side high schools I know of in his limo.

Maybe if we tell him he can put his name on it he’ll leave them alone?

She has repeatedly asked to be allowed to get on with her life, and in all reality the statue of limitations has long been passed, she’s allowed to want this to be done.

When my loved one was arrested under similar circumstances, the judge gave him bail - 40,000 (4,000)....she smirked at him and said “I’m sure you can pay it.” - POC get the most f’d over in the justice system, but it’s good for no one.

I think I’ve mentioned in another thread that I have a loved one who is incarcerated (how that happened is another story about how much the justice system can suck, and also how sometimes you can stumble on decent people in it). Anyway, I hear things like this and am afraid for him every day.

Even if he was sentenced by a jury, it’s still not ok to withhold water from him until he dies. Just saying.

See, I am also a survivor but I completely disagree with you. I also worked my way through my anger and hatred long ago. (I was 19 when I was assaulted and am 39 now).

Yup. A priest was trying to help them find jobs.

I only posted the wikipedia because I gave a comprehensive list of various studies.

It hasn’t been challenged since they have been expanded (because really, who would?). I do think the tiers make sense, but I also don’t think most exposure and statutory rape cases should be on there at all. I know when I was 16 or 17 I was quite capable of giving consent.

Ugh. Also, I wasn’t agreeing with the assessment, just referring to the original reporting I saw on the trial. She’s 17, recalling a two year old trauma, that she probably tried to rationalize at the time. I’d probably be a terrible witness under those circumstances as well.

Here’s some studies on the subject: