
Her defense didn’t have a great case. Hard to defend a defamation case when your client can’t stop perjuring herself on the stand. 

LMAO he’s not going to see a red cent of that. This case is a good reminder that credibility matters. Amber Heard perjured herself on the stand multiple times throughout this litigation. The jurors rightfully found that everything she said was therefore bullshit. 

“And yet, the scars of seeing how truly cruel the court of public opinion can be for any self-identifying woman who alleges abuse and assault are indelible.”

Commenters have been telling me for a month straight that the UK trial PROVED Depp was guilty of physical violence and abuse against Heard. I guess him winning this case PROVES he didn’t and that she was the primary aggressor!

This is a great day for male survivors of abuse who have never had a voice before.

There’s no basement at the Alamo! 

Now playing

Um, “a 1985 Tim Burton film”? I’m sorry but I feel like we’re downplaying literally one of the finest moments in cinema history. Pee-wee’s Big Adventure is not only one of the funniest movies ever made, it also features by far the best acting work by both James Brolin and Morgan Fairchild:

You. Are. A. (very bored and) Horrible. Person.
Standing up for rape victims does not make you NOT a POS yourself, just FYI.

Kate Middleton has given birth three times after miserable pregnancies, the writer has by her own admission never given birth, but still feels entitled to correct Middleton about her own experiences of her own pregnancies, and judge her about her choice of pain management. It's not a very good look

This write-up is weirdly dismissive of the pregnancy and birthing experience familiar to countless people for a site that professes to have a feminist viewpoint. Being miserable for 10 months feels endless. Labor is a much more limited process, finally providing a definitive end point to the pregnancy and the birth

Um I’m fine with Bryant criticisms. The woman had a touching moment with him that in particular related to Gianna. As a sports reporter I’m sure she had a working relationship with him and obviously feels grief. It just feels pointlessly gross and mean. I’m as cynical as they come but nah. And if you think Jez hasn’t

I think this is just about the only comment that this article needs.

Listen, the #boymom and #girldad shit is dumb as fuck but this is fucking unnecessary.

Right?! Misogyny, rape, and violence toward women ARE NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING BLUE BALLS. Getting laid doesn’t magically turn men into nice guys! IT IS NOT SEX WORKERS’ JOBS TO MAGICALLY DEFUSE DANGEROUS MEN. Jesus fucking Christ.

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

Social re-insertion plan after killing your wife with a hammer and then stabbing her?!?!

Something I appreciated about Wurtzel, and she specifically covered in “Bitch”, was she acknowledged that white, and conventionally beautiful, women get more attention and sympathy when it comes to mental illness. The other Wurtzel piece posted here a couple of weeks ago covered this, but people tend to have time for

It was a really complicated shit show of a situation.

Roxane Gay and NK Jemisin, to name two non-white women with privelege, were part of the pile on. The ingroup here is successful published authors.

“Nelson, who is now a graduate student in linguistics studying online harassment”