
Stanford is one of the last “needs blind” admissions process of the top tier schools, meaning they don’t look at what your financial needs are when they are going through the admissions process.

She knows that hence the quote hands 

No, it’s not



I got banished to the greys on here after being perm bolded for like 4 years, so I’m not gonna lie I’m pretty bitter about it. Oh well. Anyone else annoyed with this site a lot lately? 

A restaurant that opened this year in Chattanooga has several of those 

She’s also a member of the San Carlos Apache tribe, which seems like it would be a relevant thing to note considering how high the rates of sexual assault are on Native women.

The article you linked to says the nurse arrested is 36, your article has him as 26

Now playing

This actually kind of blew my mind when I watched it 

Hey remember when Kylie lied to us all and said she went back to her natural lips?

That’s waaaaay too much money for seeds and you can get it for cheaper literally almost anywhere 

That’s waaaaay too much money for seeds and you can get it for cheaper literally almost anywhere 

If there’s only a limited amount of sympathy you have to give to rape and battery victims then at least shut the entire fuck up about it and don’t spread that bullshit around. Keep your trash feelings to yourself then 

This is an excellent take. *stars*

This is a very pinner Dirt bag :/ Plus there was already a separate post dedicated to Fenty suing Fenty

This This This 

Yeah, exactly. Choose what you want to do with your own body by all means, but normalizing body hair on ALL WOMEN is a threat to the patriarchy and sexist standards of beauty, I don’t think it serves anyone to deny that fact 

“ it’s IRRELEVANT BECAUSE they are white, and are therefore otherwise invisible to this sort of criticism.”

I mean yeah, then she could have written that article