
Yeah it was really upsetting to read, super fucked up.

So I moved in to a house that gets Entertainment Weekly and I was reading the story of an old Hollywood actress named Marie McDonald who’s husband Harry Karl who was later one of Debbie’s husbands and who committed suicide so Debbie adopted Marie and Harry’s child and raised her with Carrie and the rest of the gang.

Thanks! We can be online friends! I just moved to a new town in a new state so my internet Jez friends are even more important right now

This is a preemptive shut the fuck up about defending your favorite (insert profession here) against “unsubstantiated allegations”. Go somewhere else to do that or better yet, don’t do it at all and go play in traffic.

Fuck off and die.

Shouldn’t he be charged with a hate crime? He used the N-word repeatedly and kept him as a slave, seems pretty hate crime to me.

I hope so/probably. I rationally know it wasn’t but there’s a feeling of shame that is hard to shake at times. It was 10 years before I was told it wasn’t my fault and thought maybe I can believe that, and it’s been 10 years since I was told that, so maybe in another 10 years I’ll be able to drop the shame? I think if

I love your hatred for her. I can kind of only shake my head usually but the whole “she was asking for it” defense people espouse needs to fucking stop already. It took me a decade before I started to believe what happened to me was actually not my fault.

You’ve got more faith than me.

War on women isn’t hyperbole.

It’s literally Christian Sharia, and yeah the folks who join Daesh aren’t in it for spiritual reasons, as much as they may tell themselves that, they’re in it for power and control, same as our homegrown Evangelical theocrats.

Exactly, and he’ll likely get at least one more SCOTUS seat, and the gerrymandering case they’re deciding on now I’m pretty sure isn’t going to turn out the way we’d like, so Repubs will have continue to win seats with a minority of votes, plus our voting systems are not secure and easily hacked with no (Republican!)

Things are only going to get worse. This is the beginning. Consider the power of the violent arm of the state and the total control they have over communities and how many people we jail and imprison already. It’d be great if men could get in the ring and fight for us, but I won’t hold my breath.

I guess she’s trying to say him saying, “sorry I came up during the 70's and didn’t know how to not be a predator” was an acceptable apology? LOL! Naw, he should be in prison and nothing less, that’s justice.

Also, what in the hell is the point of saying, I never saw any of this personally? Uh, you think as a man you’d see it yourself? That’s now how this works, it’s such a chicken shit thing to say.

I relate to this so hard, I honestly have such a strong smell it really really sucks. I never even considered botox but I couldn’t afford it anyway.

I actually saw this brand on Shark Tank, called PiperWai that works pretty good and doesn’t have any aluminum in it/is ‘natural’. There’s breast cancer in my family so I’ve been using the natural stuff since my teens and this is the best one I’ve tried.

I really can’t be surprised anymore. I’ll check with her.

I really want to murder your abuser and at the very least I hope he has a slow, painful death in the immediate future.

Fuck, recently? Do you know who? I’ll ask her when I see her name again. I’m happy to harass them back, I’m done with these assholes