
You’re definitely not the only one. There was a long thread about it close to a year ago and I’ve had several other convos with people other times as well. I’ve always hoped they would knock it off but realistically that won’t happen. I’ve also thought about confronting some of them too. Ugh.

She’s a white supremacist.

This should have been included in the article IMO. The bro-patriarchy is real and comprises real trash bros sticking together across all spectrums. I fucking hate them with the intensity of a million suns.

It blows my mind how there are a handful of male commenters who comment ON EVERY FUCKING ARTICLE, usually as soon as it’s published and have no self awareness that maybe they should take a back seat on an expressly women oriented site. Like, feel free to participate but say something when it’s useful or insightful

I really just want a bunch of people to die at this point, I’ve got nothing constructive to say, I just wish death upon many many people.

Cheezits every day for me.

Just burn this country to the ground already and let’s start over. We need Nuremberg trials for every cop and C.O. and warden and judge and politician when we rebuild. Fuck. Just fuck this shit ass country.

Can women take over the world now please? I’m ready for the matriarchy

Yeah that part especially makes me furious. Just such a scum human being to the core.

And now he’s hired the lawyer that brought down Gawker and is suing the NYT

Girls in fucking spaghetti straps get punished more than fucking racists. Racist sexist education systems we have. That mother and son are trash.

More demands with consequences, less requests with none please.

He was giving Quaaludes to young girls, glad he’s dead.

Women aren’t considered full people, just wannabe men, so that’s not surprising.

This is great news

She really is :) Your’s looks like a real love bug too :)

I really liked Luther, def recommend it.

I just got my first ever pup who’s a pit. She’s my heart and soul. This “art” enrages me and makes me so sad. Pitbulls are natural lovers and super friendly. Only an asshole would make them aggressive and fight.

My god. Bless that little angel. Braver than most and a true hero in so many ways. I hope that “man” spends the rest of his life locked away. That family is going to have to much healing to do, my heart hurts to imagine it.