
Thanks for the updates. Hey y’all, you may not agree with the same tactics, but anti-fa have shown the fuck up to nazis and let them know they’re not tolerated. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking anti-fa and KKK are the same. A diversity of tactics is needed and necessary. Violent resistance to the Klan and nazis

Yeah you’re right. I guess just naming is the correct term.

The city tried to stop the rally. The fucking ACLU sued them to let it happen. We need to really start looking at how the ACLU has aided and protected racists in this country, they have a long legacy of it.

YesYoureRacist That person has been doxxing the people at the nazi rally. Several more of them are from Ohio.

His dad was in the KKK, Trump has talked about his amazing German genes and is a eugenicist. He is a racist himself. Did you see how he talked about the good old days at his rallies where people(aka black) would have just been shot on sight? He’s a fucking racist

Wow, amazing critique. You should be in the front lines next time, and make sure to tell everyone their banners are wrong.

This is aggressively ignorant. Don’t speak if you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.

You’re a real disappointment. The work as a white person is never done, and you’ve shown who you really are in this thread.

So what you’re doing right there is protecting white supremacy at all costs. MrsBatman is a big girl and can respond for herself. All your doing is showing that the white girl clique is more important to you than actually learning or growing or doing anything to combat white supremacy.

Yeah super annoying that it wasn’t directly addressed to meeeeeeeeee and myyyyyyyyyyyy concerns and feeeeeeeelings. SO annoying!

That’s actually exactly what you’re doing. Thanks for outing yourself

Today, of all days (last night, whatever) is definitely not the day to talk about your feelings as a white person. It really isn’t. The gall and insensitivity with which you had to be able to think today was a great day to do just that, is part of the reason Black folks can talk in such sweeping generalizations

I know cause he’s white they won’t charge him with domestic terrorism but bloody fucking hell they should and I am livid that they are not.

Exactly. This was probably consulted with with Bannon and Gorka to make sure his nazi followers don’t get their feelings hurt too much.

Gonna post it in case anyone needs “proof”

Oh yeah he definitely loves it because he is a racist eugenicist and it takes attention away from Trump/Russia. Plus this only feeds his base. Makes me rage.

Trump did a “we condemn violence from both sides” statement a little bit ago. This is only going to escalate. The boys in grade school joking about grabbing girls’ pussies and getting further radicalized online are only going to be encouraged and then they’ll participate as soon as they can. They’ll always have an

I just keep sobbing and sobbing. *internet hug*

One person confirmed dead from the terrorist car attack