
Argue in good faith with the actual reality of what we are talking about: The statistics of actual consequences for rapists, the cultural environment that produces, protects and very often rewards rapists, shames their victims & silences outrage. People expressing justifiable outrage “Actually, this is exactly what

YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TO “READ THE ROOM” WHEN YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not a case of not reading the room right. JFC It shouldn’t be acceptable on Deadspin, it shouldn’t be acceptable on Jez, it shouldn’t be acceptable in locker rooms, it shouldn’t be acceptable FUCKING

LOL at his premise which is, “The guy didn’t realize that that’s a violation and she would feel bad and he shouldn’t do it”. And the confidence and authority with which he says it, like, uh, obviiiiiiiiiii he just needs to be more empathetic which is a really hard thing for guys to do guys, so be nicerrrrrrrrr. *head

“We talk a lot about redemption and second chances. But when the rubber meets the road, we cut and run.” Who is this “we” you’re talking about here? Do you actually know rape statistics. “We” absolutely do nothing of the sort when it comes to rape. Men rape and become presidents, men rape and are rewarded with million

“Does he deserve a second chance? Yes, he does, and he is receiving that second chance by furthering his education on YSU’s campus. Does he deserve the privilege of playing on a football team and representing a university? Absolutely not. Education is a right, whereas playing on a sports team is not.”

Learn how to allow men to accept the consequences for their actions. Learn to not apologize on behalf of other people. Learn to be comfortable with women expressing their rage at victim blaming, ignorant questions.

He so obviously went in to his line of work to legitimize his already deeply held beliefs and insulate himself from criticism. It really sucks he has such a big platform and is promoting his crap. Ugh. I wrote him on twitter and brought up the things I disagreed with or thought didn’t make sense or where he was

That that Dr. was a hack giving bad advice and didn’t understand the religio-patriarchal institutions that create the attitudes towards sex that we inherit by society.

How’s that fair? Sexual assault is not a joke, it’s not funny. A lot of shit that get’s posted here is about celebrities and pretty dumb shit, tbf, yet the women and some others mostly respond appropriately. Stop making excuses for their shit! Put another way you’re saying, the bar for men is so low, so let’s be fair

I’ve watched it so many times with such pride. It’s a real thing of beauty, a work of art. If only I could give punches like that over the internets sometimes.

Did anyone listen to Whats the Tee with Amber Rose and Dr. Chris by any chance? I have some feelings about it

Every time I read something about sexual assault on Deadspin (which of course is fairly common considering how athletes are gods that can do whatever they want to women but just not animals because women<animals) the comments are like 80% or more JOKES. From reading over there I’ve surmised that men either process

I hate the groper that did that to you and I hate your ex. I hope they die in a fire and I’m sending you my solidarity and love.

You inspire ME!

People: Don’t coddle men. Don’t entertain their mediocrity anymore. Don’t indulge them their obtuse, willfully ignorant questions about ANYTHING they could figure out for themselves with a basic google search. Especially don’t do it on articles regarding sexual assault, where the majority of us has specific trauma and

Wow so that’s how you solve sexual assault then? Fuckin A, I’m going to call up every rape crisis center and every Gender Studies department and send them over to your Kinja so you can lay it all out for us, damn dude, you’re a real genius.

Yeah I guess that “downtime” he is searching for in order to read the articles that were sent his way is being spent encouraging and starring his mighty morphin patriarchy defenders. I’m writing the folks at Jez and asking if they’ll perm-ungrey them so they at least languish in the greys where they should be.

And people did give him MULTIPLE “nice” responses, with studies cited, which he refused to engage with other than, “Gee thanks I’ll read that when I have the time”. Guys like him are a dime a dozen and bros like you coming in to give him virtual pats on the back because men can’t stand to see other men receive

Thanks for showing what a piece of shit, bro-enabling, mediocre asshole you are on this thread.