
I mean, you asked a question and she answered, you just didn’t like the answer. You seem really sensitive about this topic and are jumping to the conclusion that her saying “watch your man” was done maliciously and not done in good faith.

Don’t forget the editing.

Not trying to be mean but you sound like a stringer. Tell the guy you have serious reservations and marriage talk is off the table. Give him the chance to make the right decision for himself

It seemed like you already had the answer for yourself and you just wanted others to validate your decision. Why give Amish Paste a hard time for answering your question honestly?

Yup. Things coded as female are denigrated while things coded as male are celebrated and esteemed, in addition to women of all kinds not taken as seriously or authoritatively as men.

SHRILL??? Do you hear yourself?

The “busting my balls” comment is really telling, tbh. Major projection going on here.

This comment is everything to me and I completely agree. I was really surprised of the comments made about her in the beginning seasons. Like, you think a child who was raised to look forward to being wed off and live in a castle is bad for doing so? But the parents and society that raised her that way are beyond


I really really REALLY do not get all the people saying, “Yeah I can see how I might react how they did too, it’s a really hard decision”. Is everyone really that cowardly? The decision is about making the right choice for the child, not what you really wish would maybe happen.

I don’t do enough, tbh. I should do more and feedback helps, so thank you for reaching out.

HAHA. Yeah it has me reminiscing of old days a little. I’m gonna hang on SNS tomorrow, need to vent, lol.

No jail time? Fuck this world.

I hope you’re trolling

Ha! There’s certainly a lot of situations where it’d be useful. Go right ahead.

Dude he ripped it out of her hands. She was actively acknowledging the ball and picking it up to show off, plus it was her beer. That’s a legit dick move.

The depth of ignorance and banality is astounding for the level of confidence, truly.

And LOfuckingL about your supposed horror over the “dozens of you” supposed scourge of white women having the audacity to be sincere about wanting to end WS and confronting their fellow idiot whites when they’re being racists. You think POC enjoy having to tell you this shit? You’re so fucking dense too my god.

BITCH YOU JUMPED IN TO A CONVERSATION OTHER PEOPLE WERE ALREADY HAVING! Not the other way around you dense fucking half wit.

Have you even read the thread you’re quick fire responding in and absorbed what people are telling you at all? Do you see how no one is telling me I’m wrong and multiple people are calling you a racist? Do you know the actual meaning and context of #whitefeminism and white flight? Have you any self awareness?