Look at you all outraged at the outrage machine.
Look at you all outraged at the outrage machine.
It’s too bad LeBatard is on vacation.
What a time to be alive. We throw the people fighting communism under the bus both politically and economically. Nazi flags are flown by good people, and the flag of slavery and genocide is supported throughout certain parts of the land.
I’ve just posted this in another article so please forgive the repost, but I think it deserves to be seen. If you are in doubt about an *Android* App, you can look it up on Exodus Privacy. It’s a little technical, and basically every app comes with some trackers but it can help you make a more informed decision,…
A bit if both if we’re being honest
Just for the record, one of his opponents recently set up a billboard telling people to “Say No to Mass Immigration,” and has repeatedly posed for pictures with racist groups and a Holocaust denier.
Joe Paterno knew in the 70s that Sandusky was raping kids. Forty goddamned years as an assistant to JoePa with Joe knowing that this guy was raping kids and he did nothing.
Take your fucking star you gorgeous so and so..
“And All That Jizz.”
can very confidently say Birth of a Nation should have had its time reduced to roughly zero minutes long
My frugality hacks:
You win
is that Kaepernick himself has already profited from the very same move Jay-Z is using now.
Probably because he’s a conservative hack dressed in libertarian clothes trying to get black people to buy into supply-side economics, racial pseudoscience and the merit myth.
omg, this is beautiful. dying.
So, what about the far left wing of the democratic party that radicalized the Dayton shooter?
Why aren’t you concerned with the volume and level of glee with which your side murders people? Why are you so at peace with it?
Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout.