Halcyon Dogs

Casting the 3 Hemsworth brothers in this makes almost too much sense.


I also would like to weigh in on this new post to simply say, FUCK JIM SPANFELLER AND FUCK PAUL MAIDMENT.

Are comments being blocked here as well as Gizmodo? Because fuck Jim Spanfeller and fuck all the corporate toadies that are running good things into the ground out of an obsessive need to prove their dicks are bigger than everyone else.

On other hand, fuck him, because we all know that he’ll never work a menial job like PF Changs, so the whole thing is a goof on how someone as rich as him would never work that menial job. It’s like him saying “I always wished I was a trashman!” No you fucking don’t, you’re rich and famous, you would work that job for

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.


Please take this comment back to 1997 where it belongs.

Love it when brands get burned going into business with so-called foreign country experts who name their marketing companies after Ayn Rand novels.

At work one day I was bitching about how terrible (abusive) my now ex husband was to me, but lamenting I couldn’t leave him after his mom had just been diagnosed with cancer. One of my coworkers simply nodded and said “with guys like that, there will always be some trauma or issue that makes it impossible to leave

Hi Maria and everyone who reads this! I’ve only ever replied to comments so I’m kind of.. nervous..?

I’ve got a few quick ones:

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.”

Not advice that was personally delivered to me, but I once overheard two people in a bar talking about how one of them was getting divorced, and the other said “a relationship needs at least either talking or fucking. If you lose both, you’re doomed.”

I was in high school and taking a taking a long flight by myself for the first time. My dad wrote and printed out this long-winded email with tips on how how to travel safely, including tips on how to avoid creepy guys.

My father, who to this day doesn’t believe any of his children have anxiety disorders, once told me: “You care more about what other people think more than they care about you.”

My grandfather once told me you need two kinds of money. “Walking around money” and “running away money.” And to always keep the piles separate.

Not exactly advice per say, and not exactly given to me... but an interaction I watched in traffic once has stuck with me, wherein one party was busy trying to cut off the other party, shouting and gesturing, etc. They arrived at a red light at last, and the offended party exited his vehicle, pounded on the asshole’s

From a stranger, on my 21st birthday, in St. Thomas: