
There were more than 500 people at the bar where I watched the final.

The overall event was average, but Reigns taking out The Undertaker—and let’s be totally honest about his trash ring work over the past few years—gives Reigns all the heat he needs to keep eating the boos at live shows. From the Sports Illustrated interview that Triple H did:

He almost certainly killed Nancy Argentino. He beat her up a few weeks earlier while they were on the road, too. That’s not even under dispute, even if it’s not a well-known chapter in the story. He was charged with second- and third-degree assault, obstruction, and resisting arrest, which he plead down to harassment.

Swansea currently sit 2nd to last in the standings with only 5 points in 11 games, 6 points and a tie-breaker from safety. Bob Bradley is currently 0-1-3 (1 draw) in 4 games in charge. The fans are in open revolt against the US ownership. I don’t think the Swansea experiment is going to work out, unfortunately.

Liverpool are playing in Europe? Sure in as much as England and Wales are in Europe.

I must say I’m starting to have some doubts about this Trump gentleman. I initially quite liked his idea to make America great again; I was lucky enough to visit the country recently and I rated it only “very good” rather than “great” (I knocked a mark off because the hotel kept forgetting to change our towels and

I had to pause the video and take a moment when Newt fucking Gingrich accused Fox fucking News of liberal bias.

Hey Russell, here’s an idea to avoid ties. Throw for a fucking touchdown.

Independent is technically not third party. It is aparty, not a party.

Oh right, the Charity Shield. Honest question: what percentage of that did you make up?

I interview for my alma mater. A parent of high school aged kids told me: “I can’t believe your rejection rates for a 3.3 student”

Vince McMahon promptly suspended her for 90 days without pay, but only after Triple H talked him out of firing her from his audience plants.

All Vince has to do is clone her 99,999 times and Roman will actually get the ovation Vince wants for him at Wrestlemania!

“Not to mention that the whole reason the Premier League’s TV rights are so valuable, and thus the league so profitable, is exactly because it is top-to-bottom the most competitive elite league in the world.”

One thing this article didn’t mention — Ballmer also agreed to give EVERYONE at the game free Chuck Taylors if he pulled off the dunk. The man was true to his word. Can you imagine Sterling offering to give free shoes to everyone??

As an Arsenal fan, I hate Mourinho and am happy he got fired (I’m a petty, bitter man). But Chelsea’s failure this season (yes!) has got to be 90% on the players. You bring in someone new, they bring in a new game plan that doesn’t actually work with the personnel already in place, that’s on the manager. You have the

Let’s face it, the only thing Abramovich could do is sack Mourinho just so that he can hire him again for the third time.

Come on. It’s not because he’s a black athlete, it’s because he’s an athlete, period. What other athletes are as well read and well spoken as Kareem? As this article points out, Tom Brady is mainly a fan of Trump because they golf together. Matt Harvey has also thrown his support behind Trump’s golf courses. That’s

absolutely offside. Was in the direct line of the shot in an offside position. Doesn’t seem very controversial to me