H.A. Layne

I keep wanting to rewatch this series but can't bring myself to set aside the 13,000 hours to finish it.


"Lay down and play dead" is the only lovemaking move I have.

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

Haven't seen him act but he's got that rugged-handsome Antonio Banderas look. I bet he does good in this but let's get the man in a nu-western Sicario/Hell or High Water type film, stat!

But who will be this generation's Justin Guarini??

Has anyone been keeping tabs on Courtney Love lately?

I know we give the Trump administration a lot of crap around here, but that's just because it sucks. I would prefer it not to suck. But I'm not going to get my hopes up until they show me something that doesn't suck.

"Those pictures were just research for my YouTube conspiracy videos!"

The Human Torch was Denied a Bank Loan
A courtroom drama about equal rights for mutants (or whatever legal term is allowed).

At a glance, I keep seeing Emilia Clarke from the latest Terminator reboot.

More like Two Speeder.

The good news is they will probably sell off/go bankrupt before too long.
The even better news is that Orion Pictures is back, baby!

I knew I held on to a decade's-worth of Lane Bryant fall catalogs for a reason.

What, you don't enjoy the subtle nuance of bumper-sticker humor?

I fucking love Alex Ross's artwork. I don't know if it's just nostalgia or just because he's an excellent artist, but I've always been a fan.

Aren't they much more blunt these days?
Justice League: A XXX Parody

*shoots child*
"Looks like I just picked a whole bouquet of oopsie-daisies."

Ever tried alcohol…..on weed?
