H.A. Layne

The Trump, The

Matthew Gray Gubler should have been Lex Luthor.

"Did we just become best friends?"

I wouldn't expect to find any of our rugged and manly Texas Toast to be found up in frilly Canada anyways.

Smoke Trump
Fuck Weed

That Rat Race soundtrack, tho

Gohmert: "I can't face my constituents, they might shoot me!"
Giffords: "Pussy."

Are these lyrics to the main song from a future gritty reboot of the Lego Movie?

No, no, that's TekWar, which I've definitely heard of.

Star Wars? Never heard of it.

Better Hellboy for prez over the Hell Boy we currently have.
I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your waiter.

I got an Ivan Ooze notification for this?

What day will Turd Ferguson be on there?

Are we just going to pretend Attack of the Show never existed?
Oh, we are? Never mind then.

Ah, yes, I remember when I was issued my Liberal ID card it came with the condition that all my viewpoints must line up perfectly with Jezebel and Salon articles.

This AV Club Newswire brought to you by Viagra Single Packs and Hormel Black Label Bacon

"Oh Lerd!"


I always mute the audio and look away when YouTube tries to shove an ad down my throat, as a passive-aggressive fuck you!

"He will not divide us."
— Z. Ero, founder of the number 0