H.A. Layne

What about that rabbit who kept making wrong turns in the ABQ?


While not at all stylish, his hairdo is 100% identifiable and will likely be used as a Halloween costume for years to come.

I used the last of my xmas Amazon gift card this morning to purchase Pushing Daisies Season 1 and Season 2 on bluray for like $16.
The separate seasons, not the complete series set.

That leaves Orrin "The Dems tried to drag this hearing out for 2 days, how can they be so un-American? Merrick Garland who?" Hatch as president.
Which, in the topsy-turvey world we live in, I guess would be an improvement.

If they come for O'Neal we riot.

Dang foreigners. First dey took ma jerb, now they ruin my Star Wars movie?

I'm in BFE and they're just now getting really popular. Pretty delicious, too, if you're just having one with dinner or something. But way too sweet to pound down.

Even better, Comedy Central played "Scott Tenorman Must Die" at 830 before FXX showed this episode at 9.
Great pairing.

"Hey, Mr. Lee Jones, I just heard they're naming an airport after Harrison Ford."
"….I don't care."

"Moths. Why did it have to be moths?"

There's a 99.9% chance Bill Clinton uses "Atomic Dog" as his ringtone.

Yeah, I'm suddenly remembering all those times my uncle used to tingle my scalp with one of those things….
This Thanksgiving is going to be awkward…

So basically we should treat Yippeekyeyayadopolis like the T-Rex from Jurassic Park.

First, if Milo had committed genocide I'm pretty sure just about everyone would know him.
Second, Rocky specifically stated Milo is not a Nazi.
Sorry to be such a Nazi about all this.

"Oh yeah? Well gimme 12 25 50+ hateful quotes the man has ever said!"

I don't give a shit what they think, I'm going to keep referring to those uppity Na'Vi as "Smurfs" all I damn well please.

Slightly off-topic: After watching his recent videos, I'm not saying Stephen Miller kills sex workers at night, but, I'm not not saying that, as well.

I Am Lupe Fiasco (And So Can You!)

At least with the Nixon Administration we got the EPA and a great Billy West impersonation out of it.