
Could this fourth spatial dimension be the theoretical "subspace" of Star Trek? Make it so!

No Mars means no plot thread about air? No mutants? No Quato? No reactor? So....is this even "Total Recall", or just some fella dealing with implanted memories?

Ok, cool. :D Looking forward to seeing some for-reals cryptids!

Is this the lead-up to something, perhaps? Like this "mysterious teaser" from Neill Blomkamp?

Who wants to see this? I'd rather very much like to see the Thrawn Trilogy - the de facto episodes 7,8, and 9. Maybe do it animated like The Clone Wars!

This sounds awesome! I'm curious about the return to LV-426 though. Didn't the terraforming reactor become critical and explode in a spectacular fashion? Did the resulting large nuclear blast not destroy Hadley's Hope & all the aliens?

Some of these are considered "dirt cheap"? The Jem'Hadar ? District 9? Ridley Scott's Alien? Might not have cost hundreds of millions to make, but they're FAR from "dirt cheap". Nice list though, and very true about The 456! Still creeps me out!

"Guns, Guns, Guns!"

Who? Lord Kinbote?

Not all that frightening. Come on, look he's smiling! :)

Now playing

The sizes involved are awe-inspiring! I love these kind of videos. Here's another one I quite like.

What the frak?! How is that Viper jumping away? Vipers shouldn't have FTL capability!

St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital, Chicago

This may have been mentioned here before, but if so it's worth repeating:

Someone figure out how to make an Infinite Improbability Drive?