@palinode: I second this.
@palinode: I second this.
A computer simulation of everything? Reminds me of Harsh Realm.
@Jeb_Hoge: Agreed!
There's a lot to see at the theaters right now.
@docpark: Launch Vipers!
The theme hasn't been listed yet? What gives?!
Neither the Tron: Legacy Premium Theme, nor the Quorra avatar outfit are up?
Kinda reminds me of Fringe.
Saw this: [slicesoflifemovie.com] at a film festival. There's a segment called "Pink Snapper" with a similarly-themed monster. I think you can imagine where that one comes out of. ;)
@timobrien1: I know right? I hope this new film will be good, but it's looking soooo lazy/cheap! Not inspiring confidence nor excitement!
@Ronestar: Yes, that's right. Let's compare...
The set pics recently shown here:
WTF is with the cheap looking production design on DREDD? Is that $4 of set dressing on those cars? What is this crap?!
100% agree. Not only does she deserve a nomination, she should win.
@Madge: +1 ^_^
@Rusty Hawk: "Coolest Looking Battleship from a TV Show" belongs to Galactica. ;)
I love that they listed the ship from "The American Astronaut"!
@thebluepill: Great chart - really puts it in perspective. Syfy never gave Caprica a fair shake.