
RBG is probably a nice cobb salad and cup of soup.

I remember the day (as a wee one of no more than 5) my adult neighbor and I had this exchange

They need a personal chef for Supreme Court.

I can’t even begin to guess, but I’ll bet that once — just once — someone brought in fish and microwaved it and there was hell to pay.

Kagan: pad thai

Facebook also offered Jennifer’s friends and family the option to “block” her if they didn’t like what she’d “posted”. The pictures were only taken down after Facebook ascertained that the account had been “hacked.” According to the New York Daily News article: “The social network initially declined to take the photo

I’ve reported several photos before. People I went to high school with love posting gore, apparently. I don’t know of any way to prioritize it, you just click report and go through the steps, like you select whether it’s violence, nudity, etc. I can’t say how well or quickly it works though because I always

Unless they’re in a car in the garage or take poison or pills, suicide pacts usually means murder/suicide, even if the murder is consensual.

It’s not just Facebook, but American culture in general. Hyper-violence in movies and TV with little to no consequence? No problem.

I'm glad they checked the facts behind this photo! Otherwise they may have taken down a perfectly legitimate image of a bleeding, murdered nude woman.

This whole thing was so satisfyingly tidy. Story, story’s expansion to Twitter, apology, done.

That doesn’t explain him shitting on her (once only by implication) in three separate interviews, unprompted. It doesn’t explain why she is the one he lashed out at. It doesn’t explain why the comments were so gendered. It doesn’t explain the mystery that is Adam Levine. So, nah.

I have a few things to add: 1) I had not realized her friend in that movie was played by James Corden until I saw this picture and 2) Mark Ruffalo’s hand is way to close to her boob, IMO.

“You break it, you bought it” in its most literal interpretation.

This article nicely sums up the challenges of owning a Drobo:

This article nicely sums up the challenges of owning a Drobo:

I think i slept for 10 hours

I bought those shoes on shoebuy.Com. They only had black and a limited choice of sizes. I love these shoes. I wear them almost every day. I stopped wearing my Timberlands to work. I wear the instead.

I bought those shoes on shoebuy.Com. They only had black and a limited choice of sizes. I love these shoes. I wear

The Adidas deal is odd. For the shoes they included in the gold box, only certain sizes and colors are on sale. Annoying.

The Adidas deal is odd. For the shoes they included in the gold box, only certain sizes and colors are on sale.

Don’t you mean “dab-atable” hohohoho

Came to the comments to see if anyone explained what this has to do with dabbing. Ugh. NOW I HAVE TO GOOGLE. THANKS A LOT, JEZ.