
i can’t usually make sns either, but also have this question!

i haven’t looked at the specific selection yet, but i have similar adidas waterproof trail shoes already: they’re light, mid rise, absolutely awesome. off to see if anything in my size/preferred color (NO COLORS) is on offer!

i haven’t looked at the specific selection yet, but i have similar adidas waterproof trail shoes already: they’re

not to scare you, but you know you’re commenting on jezebel dot com right now, right?

islamophobic ones? historical ones? i feel like i’m really getting to know him!

were we ever that young and innocent?

it sounds more like the moderates who want to call themselves liberal for the sake of argument — because otherwise they would have no business IN the argument, and god forbid they sit out even a single political discussion — and then wax sentimental over their hypothetical “candidate’s” progressive bona fides.

it isn’t even a list, as someone mentioned in another thread. it’s always elizabeth fucking warren and she might as well be named Strawwoman [fucking] Warren for all the sincerity behind that statement. she’s not fucking running, and for plenty of good reasons, so let’s fucking drop it! i didn’t even realize i was mad

800+ comments and still can’t argue with that legitimate criticism. science facts!

EXACTLY what i was thinking! as soon as i saw who posted it, i knew the gif would be spot-on

oof. the irrational (as though it could ever be justified) racism is strong with my dad, as well. good work trying to set the record straight!

i am polish and realize that we don’t have a whole lot of people to look up to. ;)

it’s got the eggs and mushy meat product, plus the aforementioned tomatoes. full english so far! it inexplicably has tater tots (my attempt at a joke, above) and is missing the beans. welp now we’re off the rails... in truth, i think we’ll never really know how or why this gif came to be. knock yourself out!

it’s got the eggs and mushy meat product, plus the aforementioned tomatoes. full english so far! it inexplicably has

i knew this already because my 8th grade “language arts” (hurrgggh blleurrgh) teacher was her on-set tutor ONE TIME when she was really little, and NEVER EVER EVER let a day go by when she didn’t mention this fact — and various other factoids about leelee — in class!

that one always needs to calm down, but he never does. considers getting banned and starting a new kinja a badge of honor, loves to escalate and call names. in short, i find it a waste of my time to talk to eileen, but go for it if you have the energy.

i see what you mean now. i think either ceiling or wall. i’m picturing my bedside area, and there’s a window behind my head (not feng shui friendly!) and a wall not too far to my right. i think it would look interesting as a sconce, and it’s probably not too heavy to just use mounting strips. that way it’s 100%

i see what you mean now. i think either ceiling or wall. i’m picturing my bedside area, and there’s a window behind

is it a transparent book? how are you going to get the light out? does it need to still function as a book afterwards? you could drill/dremel some little holes, and i could see that being cute. not sure how well it would work for reading, tho...

is it a transparent book? how are you going to get the light out? does it need to still function as a book

crazy! and i’m not a woman and i do get periods. it’s almost as though THEY’RE NOT RELATED AT ALL!!!

soooo, not to be extra creepy in a stalking post, but there you are! i was keeping an eye out and hadn’t seen you in a while. now i’m following, won’t happen again :)

yeah, local and organizational culture are really gonna be huge in determining whether or not you’ll get jumped on for even suggesting people not have guns around kids, and i don’t know where you are. maybe there is a staff person who feels similarly and you can eventually find out who they are? i agree, you won’t get

can you tell me what fast-casual chain it was or is that too doxy? do i get any points for guessing?? ;)