
Doxxing isn’t about taking over somebody’s account, it’s about putting personal information not already known to the public out there. It’s usually done to target somebody for harassment, or worse.

It’s mostly done for petty personal reasons. That’s why they generally go for “small fish”. It’s not about actually

Seriously y’all have to check out this menu, I actually went back to it because I couldn’t shake how irritated I was the first time. The food is from 1996, the formatting is bad (and I’m looking at it on a desktop!), the spelling is Dan Quale-tier embarrassing, the pricing was set by a lunatic, and the kerning is

...orange cream sauce? On fish?

So it’s like sweet *and* dairy on seafood?

It’s not listed on SUR’s online menu, but if their kitchen is as incompetent as their CSS I’d believe the poisoning story. 

“[her] head suddenly whipped back, causing her body to move backwards as well, as she felt a hot sensation rise from her stomach, into her chest and then into her throat that she was unable to control. [...] Her head came forward while vomit filled her mouth, and [she] began vomiting profusely.” The situation

I know that it is a bad thing when Disney owns the IP of literally every major movie franchise ever (Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel), but in this case it really sucks! Tom Holland is great and the MCU as a whole is very enjoyable.

Not to mention that there’s almost no research on the long term affects because it’s too new PLUS the fact that you can vape more places than you can smoke (although that’s changing) means some people are vaping more than they would smoke, which is only going to exacerbate any negative effects.

I get the feeling we’re

No shit?

I was riding the bus a couple months ago near a university campus and one college student age person was sitting in the very back of the bus furtively vaping out the window. The smell of artificial strawberry was everywhere and I was in fact getting secondhand vape-smoke. You know it’s a problem when people are so

Thank you. I smelled a racist troll when I read killemall

Worst take I’ve seen here in weeks. 

Guessing it would go something like...

I didn’t even think about crew members...we can make all the anti-harassment rules in the world, but without enforcement mechanisms everyone is fucked.

In my house growing up, swearing was seen as a healthy way to vent feelings of frustration. Swearing at someone (unless clearly joking) was a no-no. Swearing about the state of things in general was (is) fair game. I can’t think of any more appropriate reason to be swearing right now.

This is what’s so sad about the “Me Too” movement. Like, who is being held accountable??

After what happened on Bull, it looks like Afton is about to be paid and the former show runner is about to get fired.

Afton is such a good actress and I was happy to see that she had a lead role on a network show. At this point, I should probably stop watching shows with male leads/ male-led productions because it sounds like every set is trash. 

So...the Showrunner got in a car, drove to set and just gave no fucks about harassment & assault. How fired can a person get? Like, she wasn’t reporting micro aggressions and vagaries, she was trying to document ongoing racial harassment and has to grapple with sexual assault.

Thirded. Ignorance =/= hatefulness when one is educated, learns, and apologises. A large swath of my generation will be ignorant as to transgender issues. People of every generation will be ignorant regarding one issue or another.

Yes, at age 3 we need to worry about the irreversible, lifelong repercussions of... maybe wearing different clothes and maybe going by a different name/pronouns.

I know it’s a really low bar, but that was one of the better “celebrity apologizing for awful things” statements  I’ve read in a while.