
“He’s sorry this time, your honor.  Srsly.”

Itll be fun hearing their excuses after he (inevitably) does something similar again, and gets arrested again. Im sure theyll claim they had no idea that he might reoffend.

Yeah like... I don’t understand why its not 18 at the federal level with a 3 year romeo/juliet law to keep parents from trying to get their kids bf/gf arrested for statutory rape

I am fast coming to the conclusion that it’s not just that women are disregarded and disrespected, I think we are actively hated and this reveals itself through the legal system over and over. 

Oh and f*** Georgia’s age of consent!

Is this the result of male judges who buy their elections? Did the prosecutors sign-off on this? I hope there is outrage and election consequences.

JFC, that episode was so fucking stressful. I went into thinking like 50% of the people I care about were going to die, and it looked worse for a good part of it. I found myself thinking, well Bran has to kill the night king that the only way we get out of this shit. I knew Jon wouldn’t succeed, he hesitates too much,

Watching Jon constantly failing upwards has grown particularly tiresome.

Totally agreed. If Jon had somehow been even a part of the taking down the Night King, distracting him or doing something to allow Arya to sneak up on him, I would have been ok with it. Instead he was in the courtyard yelling at a dragon? It just seemed so narratively unsatisfying.

Lol. It was dark. Thank the Lord of the Light Melisandre was there. I have this cheap 4K tv I got at a Black Friday sale and kept trying to adjust my contract thinking “I know this thing is cheap but damn.”

All it would take was a bit with Bran spouting some nonsense about “Only the Night King can kill a Three Eyed Raven”, and it would make sense from what we’ve seen, and we’d accept it, because we accept any of his gibberish at this point. But no, they just made the Night King look like an idiot, dangling his bollocks

Lyanna Mormont, valiantly, though in a pretty reductive and banal point on the part of the writers.” ooh I have to disagree with you there, personally I found the little girl bravely taking down a fucking giant to be the most touching moment of the episode. The actor totally nailed it for me, I think it was clear she

Ghost is not dead, someone slowed down next weeks trailer and he’s there. 

Arguably, it works ... for him. Just don’t be one of the troops.

All of Jon’s battle plans are “everyone run and fight and eventually someone will show up and save us.”

SER BRIENNE LIVES TO SEE ANOTHER DAY!!! I still think she’s going to die trying to save Jamie’s life.

I am mostly just very pissed that they thought they’d send in the Dothraki as their vanguard. I could have told them, I saw it coming a mile away. You can not send cavalry in against densely packed foot troops, they will get surrounded and overcome.

My husband kept yelling “who is your general!” at the screen. Because really, who? Who planned that? How did they not have dragons scorching down undead from way back? They lost two entire armies basically immediately, with the Dothraki just done, instantly, and the unsullied mostly taken out protecting the retreat.

Okay so I was yelling, not just because it was stressful, but because there were so many missed opportunities!! I’m so pissed. So at the beginning, why not put those fire barricades further out and light it before everything went bloody? Why not light those bitches (the dead) on fire with dragons before they attacked

I’ve had two kidney infections in the past 5 years and here’s what protocol I’ve put in place to stop UTIs and kidney infections: everyone washes their hands before making their way to the fun-time zone and doesn’t touch anything on the way, pee immediately after. It has worked so far. I worked in a hospital lab