The rate for police might be a result of the police expertly diffusing dangerous situations on a regular basis ...
The rate for police might be a result of the police expertly diffusing dangerous situations on a regular basis ...
Accidents aren’t strict liability in the United States, that is to say that you need to show some form of negligence. Apparently, Bruce at the time was doing pretty much everything he should have been doing and so it was going to be harder case to prove than had he been texting while at the wheel, for example.
Was any investigation performed to determine whether this design was, in fact, “original” or whether it borrowed from other designs that were common at the time?
Was any investigation done any at all .. to look into whether the Inuit garment was truly “original” or whether it borrowed from other pre-existing designs?
Right, let's not blame the victim here!!!1,
I never said that people only hide behind the internet or that people don’t protest in person these days. People do choose to remain entirely anonymous on the internet for a specific reason and it’s not just because they like to make up zany handles: because they can lob stones from behind a brick wall without anyone…
Sure, except that those people voiced their opinions on issues, stood behind them and were ultimately accountable by being visible. Today, it’s a bunch of completely unaccountable internet commenters, who have intentionally remained entirely anonymous by choice, with handles like m9105826, and whose lives we know…
That’s about 10 percent of the value of making a weird looking clock in a suitcase and then having someone think it’s a bomb.
He won't.
I assume that everyone from the Centre will likewise refrain from partaking in any activity that isn’t indigenous to that person’s roots.
People who write anonymous notes and commenters on the Internet are pretty much the same: they'll say all kinds of shit they wouldn't dare say to your face.
Tony Bourdain has always tried to position himself at the cool kids’ table, with his fellow cool guy cooks from NYC, and then rips on pretty much anyone who isn’t a part of that group ... it’s tiresome.
Maybe as a lawyer she understood that Gawker’s contribution to the discussion would be similar to when it trolls for clicks by failing to understand the basic principle of comparative fault and, so, Gawker wasn’t invited.
Oh please, the title is intentionally deceptive and let’s not pretend like one weasel word changes that intent.
“There’s no way in hell I’ll get arrested 30 times for posing as a transit worker ...” - Darius McCollum
OMG when people see this ad they're going to drug their friends and do awful things to them when they otherwise wouldn't!!!1!
What specific things did the president do (or fail to do) that should result in his firing?
Jezebel’s business model depends in part on trading clicks (resulting in ad revenue) for completely unsubstantiated, unilateral allegations that later might (or might not) be found to be true. Here, the post is at 5,000 clicks and rising rapidly, with the commentariat drawing conclusions about the state of dining in…
A “typo” is when you mistakenly hit the wrong key like if I were to try to spell “California,” then hit the wrong key and it comes out “Californix,” for example. Here, you just mistunderstood how the word was spelled, that’s not a “typo.”
Nicki prefers to joke about people in wheelchairs instead ...