
5 screens. Took 2 minutes on Boxofficemojo.

So you haven't gotten around to looking at the rest of the Internet, then?

Tomei and RDJ have "with" billings, which are considered higher than they might otherwise seem. They are a sop to big names in large casts.

He's far too busy on the set of "Game of Thrones."

Yeah, that works out about right, on average.

To play devil's advocate here, she does seem fairly porcine.

Assuming the American electorate aren't complete morons (quiet, you!), we just need her to eek out four more years of existence.

Me too—not dating, strictly. It's purely physical.


Glad to have someone confirm the reference.

I, too, enjoy statements that are the precise opposite of reality!

Their entry level whisky is arguably their best (it's the most "Laphroaig-ish," certainly), and one of the best in their world. The problem is not the whisky, it's the heathens tasting it. I would recommend to them a nice Amaretto sour and shutting the hell up.

It's been years since I was dragged to Ed Debevic's, almost as long as it's been since I talked to the friend who talked me into going there. I have found that the barely-suppressed desire to smash the table setting over one's server's head is a lousy aperitif.

Yeah, for old-school Chicago Greek food, Greek Islands is the gold standard, but I'll miss Parthenon. I'm not quite sure if the females with whom I have dined with there feel likewise, as the Parthenon staff was always a sure source of mild sexual harassment; frankly, I always considered it part of the show, like a

I've never called it anything other than Comisky or New Comisky, never will call it anything else. Also, it's the Sears Tower, dammit.

It seems like BSS is basically a giant communal fuckfest for its mostly ridiculously attractive membership—which makes me wonder if they're short a triangle player or something.

Am I the only one noticing that that is most certainly not Leslie Feist in the top picture?

Definitely not the movie. Maybe start at the beginning of NuWho, i.e., Christopher Eccleston's "Rose." That's still 9 series/100+ episodes, but sleep is for wusses, right? Try to pick up a few of the classic serials (Genesis of the Daleks, Terror of the Autons, The Talons of Weng-Chiang, The Caves of Androzani, etc)

I think that might have been less of a hint than the producers screwing with fans worried about the movie's revelations. I can't believe anyone really wants the doctor to be a human/Gallifreyan hybrid.

Status update: I just went to Brazil and shat in all the pools. My bad?