
Crap, I'm going to have to be the weirdo beer geek that jumps in and call bullshit, aren't I? "Weiss" is a German style of wheat beer that is substantially different than the Belgian style of "Wit" (although both names mean "white" in, respectively, German and Flemish). The three brands listed are, more-or-less

It's an island of about half a million people, most of whose ancestors have been inbreeding there for centuries. Apparently they have an App for potential couples to check their degree of relatedness before…ahem…progressing their relationship.

Yeah, it's kind of weird that it's now in a spot that looks so similar to where it was during the movie—it has moved several times in the interim. For a while it was at the end of a mostly closed-off room into which the AIC had pretty much placed all the best impressionist and post-impressionist paintings in the

To be fair, almost all royalty ends up inbred. I guess it's the downside of having such attractive siblings.

Is it weird that I think about Doof's dancers a little too often?

Also, that story about ditching the Chinook is pretty much 100% as it happened in real life.

As much as I love the film, I can't help but be disappointed that the author's go-to reference for fast-talking antics is Barton Fink. Hell, if you insist on picking a modern film and/or sticking with the Coens, at least go with the Hudsucker Proxy…

This episode mostly benefits from having spent some time in Chicago, rather than having watched any specific documentary. The first 15 minutes contained the most perfect series of Chicago jokes since the Blues Brothers.

Might you all be referring to this sterling bit of supposedly feminist bullshittery?

And an absolutely in-her-prime Mary McDonnell!

More lung cancer. Everyone in that household is gonna die of lung cancer.

Then why do I own a season 2 dvd?.

Uh huh, it was good!

Do people still hate orgasms and pie?

There's a crapload from the amazing MVP-laden 1984-5 season. For shear memorability, the prerecorded Martin Short/Harry Shearer/Christopher Guest Synchronized Swimming sketch is as funny or funnier than anything SNL has ever done, but Short's Jackie Rogers Jr. (there's an amazing game show parody that's one of the

Caitlin PenzeyMoog? I swear AVC is making some of these writer's names up. There is no way that that name does not belong to some fictional creature, perhaps a George Lucas creation.

Agreed—I'm glad to see that Dowd has moved on to spreading his awful opinions in media other than movies.

It will now be referred to as "scissoring the streams."

They are Fantasy that slowly turn into SciFi (after the original trilogy, for the most part).