You sound like my grandad talking about his time in Korea.
That’s a Damned Good Dog.
Stupidity has no age limit. Also, I don’t see how a 30-year-old is appreciably more mature than a 28- or 29-year-old. Plus a 300 hp pickup truck isn’t the same as a 300 hp Camaro. Also, how can someone be accessory to a crime they weren’t there for and had no part in? Strange as this may seem, adults make their own…
Not one of those leg-shaving spandex-swaddled assholes got off their bike to scratch her behind the ear and praise her for being such a good dog. Seriously, fuck those guys.
Her street name is “Short Notice”
Wrong and hilarious.
Joe Paterno’s son is already denying he knew anything about this.
As a Canadian, he’s a Liberal first. Which means he campaigns from the left and then proceeds to break most of those promises, moving him to the more typical lying Liberal center.
He mostly sucks. He’s a PR politician if there ever was one. But you don’t have to be that good to look good next to Trump.
So are internet comments questioning the physical status of professional athletes.
You big dummy. +1
More like Deerambe amirite?!
So this is where the buck stops.
Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.
I’ve never won anything before. I’m so proud! I’ma go write my dead grandma’s name on the wall.