
Bumper sticker: "My other car is a Lightcycle."

@Xagest: Did Capcom get sued by Lego, by any chance?

@kingcrim84: And you thought cellphone contracts were hard to get out of.

I thought the guy on the front pic was Coco.

I thought it was a loom to make neon zarapes...

I just hope football doesn't end up like football.

@kingcrim84: I think it's just they're adversed to change. C'mon, people are complaining the new ball is too round!

This guy's name sounds like something you don't wanna catch.

Finally a compelling reason to get an iPad.

@clucernoni: Apps, apps, apps and widgets...

@BoscoH: Wouldn't it be 2013?

@Mopster: "Ding-dang! The dick is dead!"

If one centrifuge is not enough to get 100% clean water, why not do a daisy chain?

Just throw a bunch of Sham Wows into the ocean. Or ProActiv.

I don't think I should have to put my beautiful gadget into any sort of case[.]

I thought he was going to use his amazing powers of suckage.