
This. I can see the commercial with the "Happy Pills" song from the OST playing in the background.

"I'll have the soup of the day." *tastes soup* "Mmmm! Braaaains!"

Wow. I guess "dating yourself" (no, not in the weird, kinky way) can work both ways.

I see it as The Flash's dog gone to Plaid.

But will it be a collider?

Easy. He did while Waiting to Exhale.

I don't know why but I find that image disturbing.

By the title, I thought you were gonna go with a Bert and Ernie kinda angle.

You can still achieve that dream. You just need enough money to get your own political candidate.

I think a variation of the scenario you propose is called Braile.

It seems like MS is just implementing what other tablets/smartphones have had for a while, just with a new MS flavoring. Hurray.

"President Perry" I didn't know a Platypus could become president... #PhineasandFerb

I think all weaponry and specially projectile weaponry is awesome. I hope we never get rid of the at all. Just remember what happened to the citizens of Springfield the they got rid of all their weapons. Or the Forerunners.

I thought it was hipster art.

I love self sustaining closed systems.

Best. PR Blunder. Ever.

If you encounter the "Ghost in the Machine", would you still call the Ghostbusters?

Yes. *under breath* Damn it, where did I leave my slow clap GIF? *

A little on the nose but totally awesome. Gives new depth to the term "leadfree."
