Gutfeld’s comments also push the gross, tired stereotype of the always-consenting teenage boy, which minimizes and mocks boys’ experiences with abuse and exploitation.
Honestly, I’m sort of shocked that this hadn’t already been swept out in some sort of “down to the 7th generation” blanket ban on anything related to the [Black person] presidency
We know you would, little buddy.
Why reply to obvious trolls? Why give them the attention they so desperately crave?
Teaching that slavery existed isn’t teaching an ideology. Where as making public schools display the ten commandments is. See the difference?
I think it was also only one parent (each time) who was responsible for getting the principal fired for showing Michelangelo’s David at one school and the Ruby Bridges movie banned at another school.
This should really be stated loudly and more often, though it’s not a new tactic by any means at all. Ignorance is a highly effective tool of oppressors.
The law enabling this is written so that one complaint automatically should result in a ban of the “age inappropriate” material, regardless of the merit of that complaint. Elsewhere, i saw the fascist woman in question has said she isn’t in favor of banning books, which strikes me as that typical kind of disavowal wher…
Republicans pass a vague-ass law that says that schools are liable for anything “woke.” And the schools are running on a shoestring budget so they don’t have the resources to fight what is clearly a violation of the 1st Amendment. Rinse, repeat.
“Is not educational and have indirectly hate messages” (messages looks like “massages”) - that sounds very illiterate. The irony of someone who cannot read trying to get books banned for everyone, and not just their child. FL is such a hell state. A co-worker of mine just moved his family down there from MN, and he…
Obviously that’s the ideal, but even if you’re going to allow books to be challenged, it’s absurd to completely pull a book because ONE person complained.
Glad to know “cancel culture” is no longer the greatest threat to Western civ you wimps claimed it was three months ago.
Yeah, I’d be raising hell at every school board meeting regarding transparency. This only fosters because the system allows it to work in the dark - like cockroaches.
This parental rights nonsense is getting out of hand. One luddite sticks her head out of her hole to realize the world isn’t flat and whines about it and suddenly EVERYONE has to capitulate to that one person’s myopic world view? These school districts need to a grow a set and challenge these laws which blatantly…
One parent? The answer from those in power should be, “Why yes, Ms Salinas, we are taking your concerns very seriously. We have a process to address these issues where a diverse group of parents, teachers and administrators discuss and decide. I will pass your list to that committee. They meet once every three months…
Who will be the first to try and win the race to the bottom by banning *all* books other than the Bible?
The complaint also listed Oprah Winfrey as the author, gave some half-assed reasoning, and the school STILL went ahead with the ban.