Hail Creepsylvania

I own a manufacturing business and during the pandemic when the shit hit the fan, I immediately stopped paying myself to ensure that all my employees were paid. We are not a minimum wage shop, not even close. It’s not sustainable. While I’m not Fallon-wealthy, I am not poor by any means. It’s economy of scale. Me

Don’t like Fallon and don’t watch him. But, he is the frontman for the show, not the owner. He doesn’t likely have much authority in this decision, because he doesn’t have a ton of financial leverage nor frontman-leverage (since the show is already off the air). He could pay the staff out of his own pocket, but I

*Longform piece from an actual touches-grass real world activist about the uselessness of Extremely Online Leftists*

Newsmax and OAN can’t come up with the kind of money he was making at Fox. They’re currently just barely hanging on.

Not for long....Dominion have lawsuits set up for them as well.

He probably has a nice warm seat at OAN

Sounds right up his WASPy shit chute....

Rupert Murdoch has no soul, and all his decisions are about protecting his money and image. Tucker is hugely popular, and Fox will lose some viewers and advertisers if he moves to Newsmax. So there has to be something more significant on the other side of the equation.

The internet sucks, but we all know that. I actually dug in and look for info regarding Choe’s comments on his podcast. There are interviews where he admitted what he said wasn’t true- just a joke of extremely poor taste. The constant cherry picking of information people post to destroy others disgusts me. Also, Ali

People make crappy decisions all the time, regardless of gender. I think if a white man had known Choe’s history and asked him to be part of their show they would get waaaay more shit for it. Imagine the meltdown Jez would have it Jason Sudeikis had hired him for a TV show!

Or you could, I dunno, use a news website like The Guardian to find out what’s going on in France. It’s not as though there’s a news blackout going on. Americans aren’t typically interested in what’s going on in other countries, hence the lack of coverage over here.

The law is a blunt instrument at best (and likely practically unenforceable), but doing something isn’t the worst idea here. There are legitimate concerns about the app’s security. (Though of course the “won’t someone please think of the children?!?” approach is absurd as always.)

ok its my subjective opinion that streaming games is not an artform.

Before we reach the end of the published stories, I will need to find time to write all the other Dunk & Egg novellas that I have planned.

Not that I like what Nintendo is doing here but streaming video games is not art. The only art getting made here is by the teams making these games.

Is their shitty handling of fan content going to actually cut into their bottom line in any visible way? No. All of our fans who are upset with Bandai over this still consume Gundam shows, games and merchandise.

Because that’s not how it works.

Been wondering the same as to why people still act all surprised and offended whenever this happens. Nintendo’s stance has been quite clear and you’re walking on thin ice if you decide to base your content on modded stuff. They should be well aware of the risk of getting caught in the enforcement policies.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I think some of that was writing around COVID protocols. Even in scenes characters were rarely in the same 2-shot, and if they were they were at a noticeable distance.