Hail Creepsylvania

I want to respond solely to this comment and the article you shared. The idea that you can train to get a Kardashian butt is a myth. They bought. You can maybe get the results in that article. It’s difficult to impossible to get much size on your gluteus medius. It’s a small muscle. All the exercises suggested in this

I went with a family member to a plastic surgeon's office/surgical space. I also had to have a minor facial surgery and they referred to a plastic surgeon. Both offices looked very homey. I think it's part of their marketing. 

I lift a lot. I’m currently doing a round of hypertrophy to bulk. I’ve put an inch on my butt. I’ve also gained muscle on my thighs, calves and glutes. It’s extremely difficult to build muscle in just one area. A lot of people don't want the muscular physique that comes with a lot of or heavy squats. 


I’m not sure that makes it better. It’s like using the torture and murder of Daniel Pearl to justify waterboarding. Regardless rocket attacks from Hamas have been consistent. In 2020, they sent about 160, 2017 to 2019 there were over 2,600. No one seems to be commenting about how Hamas is actively targeting

Hamas has fired a lot of rockets at Isreal, over 3,000 just this year. 90% of them were aimed at populated areas. I’m not going to defend Isreal’s actions in general, but Hamas has attacked them repeatedly since they gained power. 

I don’t think that those loud objections constitutes a majority. Also leftists and progressives don’t vote consistently. If you contact your rep but rarely vote, they’ll show limited interest in your opinion. Maybe the landscape would change if we were all better at voting in every election. Especially local elections

As shitty as Manchin is and he is shitty. He won against a GQP nutjob by the slimmest of margins. He smoked the Progressive candidates who ran against him. The ketchup packet thing was some much ado about nothing Twitter nonsense. She ran against Shelley Moore Capito in 2020 and lost big again. WV just isn’t that

Elaminating household pets is their ultimate goal. Its included on the page linked. They want all pets to be sterilized and no pets should be bred at all. They oppose both responsible breeders and puppy mills. Ultimately, PETA doesn’t believe we should own pets and that we should allow the current animals to live out

My father was chronically ill much of my life. I have met many terrible nurses. Some of whom were so neglectful that they caused injury. One of the injuries could’ve resulted in death had my mother not shown up at the right time. This was at a well respected hospital. I do think the chronically ill and people who

I saw more confederate flags on vacation in the Maine highlands than I have in all my time living in the South. It's mystifying. I agree with the other commentor who said it's a sign of racism. 

I have had a fear reactive the amount of dog whisper devotees I’ve met has been terrifying. After working with awesome positive trainers he became a sweet, snuggle bug who just didn’t want to be friends with other dogs. So many people want to slap a prong or a shock collar and punish dogs for warning people. It can

I wonder if that would reach more people. I’ve talked to a lot of people who are never going to get injured. People who play full contact sports who will never break a bone or tear a ligament. People who are certain that if you’re skinny and you eat the right supplements, you’ll be immune from disease. Heart attacks

I worked for a unionized grocery store when I was in college. It was significantly better than the non-union stores. That said, everytime they renegotiated our contract it got worse. I worked there when Safeway was striking in CA. It was really scary especially for the people who worked fulltime.  We were worried we’d

This attitude is why this is even a discussion. If people voted consistently in the midterms we’d likely have a more Progressive congress. Older people who tend to vote Republican vote consistently. Younger people who tend to be more progressive don’t show up at midterms. This constant refrain of the Democrat party is

I posted this on another post yesterday. Manchin is as liberal as you can expect for his district. I don’t support him. I don’t like him. He’s never going to be the candidate I want. He is the best we can expect from his district right now. He voted with Trump about 50% of the time. He’s voted pretty consistently with

Manchin voted with Trump 50.4% of the time. I’m not a fan, but he is the most liberal politician that could get elected in his district. He’s voted consistently with Biden so far. He’s not what anyone wants and if I lived in WV, I wouldn’t vote for him in the primaries. I would vote for him over Patrick Morrisey who

It’s frustrating because there is no way we’ll be able to pass a law protecting abortion with the congress we currently have. This no one does anything or gives a shit narrative just encourages people not to vote in the midterms. We desperately need to elect more pro-choice democrats in 2022 or we’re fucked. These

I don’t care if someone is personally pro-life as long as they’re pro-choice from a legal standpoint. I know more than one pro-choice activist that is vigorously pro-life. They support things that would prevent anyone from needing an abortion like comprehensive fact based sex ed and free contraceptives. They recognize

Ok bro. I’m sure that the people who lined up for hours during a pandemic in the Georgia heat find your insight to extremely helpful. Perhaps that’s not a sign of good faith or intelligence. Unlike your complete refusal to consider the human cost of your ideas which it the height of good faith and intelligence.