Hail Creepsylvania

We have nothing further to say to each other. You want to justify cutting off an area that is rich in Black and Latine culture and Indigenous history. These people still live here, and they know what their supposed allies think of them. 

Older people vote overwhelmingly Republican in the South especially. It benefits them directly. There are favorable taxation laws for retirees in much of the South. FL and NC are known for it. When they fought the ACA, it didn’t effect these voters because they got their Medicare.

This entire comment chain is about writing off certain areas of the country. My entire point is that the South is no better or worse than the rest of the country, but that voter suppression, gerrymandering and the piss poor voter turnout by younger progressives and liberals has allowed these people to get elected.

Bring poor isn’t a character flaw. Generational poverty is a problem in much of the US. The South and Appalachia have more than their fair share.

I’m in the South, but not in this Cawthorne’s district. Our politicians largely don’t represent the views of the people. I’m in an area with a lot of transplants from NY and NJ who came here specifically because they want these sorts of regressive politics.

You’re 100% right. This fair coverage, both sides ideal doesn’t work when the GQP is spewing this insane, violent rhetoric. The news media wants to treat this statement with exactly the same gravity as the democrats passing a minor partisan bill.

Semi-Related, I lose my freaking mind every time someone credits Crossroads to Clapton. I go on a huge tirade about racists and white people profiting off of Black music when the original more talented creditors received comparatively little money and fame. I then seque into a huge rant about Led Zeppelin and everyone

As an unconcerned parent, that was my exact response. 

There are 20 grams of protein and 0 carbs in a serving of tuna which is one can. There are 7 grams in a serving of black beans. There are 16 net carbs. If you pair it with white rice which is far and away the cheapest rice you’re looking at any additional 45 grams of carbs. If you need to restrict carbs for health

He was suspended for 2 months and never even failed a test though. I think people are confusing Ross Rebagliati and Shawn White. Rebagliati ad his medal returned to him because weed wasn’t technically banned at the time. He has said that he believes it is a performance enhancing drug, so he’s probably not a great

I read an interview with a British actor. I wish I could remember who. He said that a lot of British actors take American Accents very seriously because everyone will notice if you do it badly. According to him, since American movies are so ubiquitous internationally everyone is familiar with the accent. I don’t know

I agree and I wanted to clarify don’t support these laws. I have seen otherwise supportive and caring people support them because they have a misguided belief that most parents are safe and supportive people. You can't reach the forced birthers. You can sometimes reach the people who believe all parents have their

I've come to the conclusion that it's 90% that and 10% good parents who blindly assume that other parents are supportive and will do right by their children because they would. 

I don’t think enjoying this game makes you a monster. I question some of the defenses people are making of the game in a way that makes me wonder about them. I do want to point out that the possibility of being drugged is something women deal with all the time. Every woman you talk to has a story about it happening to

I can’t even see my own post anymore, so I’ll have to recreate it. My father in law enlisted in Vietnam because he was living in poverty. He was trying to find a job and no one wanted to hire him because they didn’t want to train someone only to have them be drafted. Which isn’t legal, but some employers were pretty

My father in law enlisted and fought in Vietnam. He joined at 17 because he was living in poverty and no one would hire him, specifically because they didn’t want to waste money on training someone who could be drafted. Which wasn’t legal, but some people told him as much. Even no people join the military with the

I think there’s also a large contingent of incel/red pill types who see this as proof of the injustice men face. They aren’t fans necessarily, but they are view Depp as one of them. They go all out in support of him and are generally awful to anyone who doesn't support him. They spent the whole trial screaming

I don’t feel like Boston or NYC Marathons are covered that way. They tend to tell stories in the middle when the runners are conserving energy and holding their position. Boston also usually shrinks the footage of the runners and let’s it continue playing in the corner if they cut away which is nice. I don’t mind the

I understand what you’re saying, but the alternative is these corporations that are by and large worse than your average landlord. My landlords are just a husband and wife. They rent out their family home after they downsized. I owned a home and it was a nightmare that I’m not ready to repeat just yet. My landlords

That’s how I feel. There’s plenty of things I spend money on that other people think is a waste and that’s fine.