Hail Creepsylvania

Some touching used to be acceptable in professional environments. Things like a pat on the back or a tap on the shoulder, not touching legs or caresses. I’m glad it’s not anymore because it often makes people uncomfortable and it creates a grey area that predators exploit. People can and do adapt with the times and

I’ve been married for 20 years and the husband and I have always taken trips separately. Not to the Mediterranean because we’re broke. He went away to a 4 day music festival when our kid was less than a year. I play and ref a sport that involves some travel. I usually go alone. It’s fine because we have different

I agree with everything you’re saying and I agree that the priority ought to be on the big fish. We also need to call out the sexism amongst fans. The big fish aren’t creeping on my tween at Gamestop or following me around the store or making women uncomfortable at cons.

I’ve talked to some people who believe that because they don’t use it in a homophobic way it’s not a slur. As if not directing the word at gay people makes it acceptable and not homophobic. It makes no sense, but Matt Damon seems obtuse enough to believe that. He’s wrong obviously and it doesn’t make it any better.

If Matt Damon didn’t specifically reference her, I would agree. Since he did, I don’t think that she’s really responsible for bringing attention to it. I understand and support her coming forward this way.

That’s a really hot take! No one has ever pointed out that you can ride a bike outside. Cyclist deaths are on the upswing and drivers are rarely held accountable. I quit road riding the second time an asshole in a pickup truck forced me to choose between scraping the jersey wall on a bridge or getting hit by his car.

A lot of workouts and diet plans are specifically designed to be unsustainable. They want you to fail, blame yourself for quitting and then pay more money. Going from sedentary to 45 min HIIT classes 5 days a week on 1,200 calories is going to fail for most people. Making small habit changes works. Changing people’s

I don’t have much respect for punk music, but Travis Barker is a well renowned drummer in the music scene. Acting like he’s not is pretty silly. Punk rock makes metal look welcoming when it comes to gatekeeping.

I believe that people deserve an opportunity to grow and learn, but it really frustrates me that white people are the only ones afforded that grace. Per many of the comments on this site, Prince Harry dressing as a nazi and calling fellow cadets racial slurs is forgivable. Billie Eilish is also forgivable. Alexi

It seems to depend heavily on your location. One of my in laws is a veteran and needs a major surgery. They can get very good, inexpensive care but they’ll have to travel several hours. If they get the surgery locally it’s much more expensive. My friend lives in a military town and she gets great care. Another friend

So you can’t see an actual path to this anymore than I can? I’m not going to waste my time tilting at windmills to get your student loans forgiven. Sorry. And I was also one of those kids, and that’s why I’m looking to improve the future. I can’t get my lost opportunities back, but maybe the next generation can do

You haven’t answered my question. What is the actual actionable path to accomplish what we want in this country? I vote in every election and contact my representatives. I volunteer with organizations that are trying to eradicate poverty, since the government isn’t doing it. I’m demanding more of my government, but a

Explain to me the actual path to making this happen. Seriously, what do you suggest to get from where we are now to there? How will you get it through congress and through the Supreme Court when it would inevitably get there? How do we fundamentally change our tax structure and reduce our defense spending over the

I have a few friends who are teachers at schools that are mostly attended by children of color. They’re so frustrated by these conflicts. What happens is that someone proposes something good and helpful like CRT. People fight about it forever. It gets watered down to the point of near uselessness, and they’re supposed

No, but I’m comfortable paying for your children’s degrees . I don’t think we can back in time to fix this issue. I make 2x the median income in my town. I’m not comfortable with money going to me or to you until we help the people who have even less opportunity than we do. I’m sorry that your children and mine will

Walmart and most corps are donating to politicians of all stripes. It’s not to further an Anti-LGBTQ+ agenda. It’s to further a capitalist one. They want their corporate interests heard. I’m not defending Walmart. I don’t think they care about us at all. I just think corporations are concerned about their own

I agree with everything you said. I just want to see the other reforms first. I recognize that I’m personally doing better than a lot of people, and so are many other people that are commenting. I have a very difficult time thinking that student loan forgiveness is a priority over people who are struggling to make

I have the exact type of degree you’re referring to and student loan forgiveness would benefit me. I don’t think I should receive it. I’d rather see that money go to subsidized childcare, head start and free community college including vocational school. I know a lot of people who have never had a family member go to

I think that a lot of the tweets were socially acceptable at the time. I think people deserve some grace for acting in a way that was widely accepted but isn’t now. Messaging Stodden and then lying about privately apologizing is beyond the pale.

I’m in an area that is very seasonal. We get a lot of college students who only want summer jobs. The tourists are coming back for vacation, but the employees are not. I think it really depends where you are. I know places that hire a lot of short term visa employees like Cape Cod, MA and Ocean City, MD and NJ are