Hail Creepsylvania

I know so many people who don’t vote and get mad that politicians aren’t interested in their opinions. Your voting history is public record. Your ballot isn’t, so vote for your favorite TV character. But don’t expect people to be interested in your opinion. I’m not referring to people who are effectively blocked from

Agree. Pageants are a big things in the South and most of them have a racist history. There are several in my town and people of all races participate in them. Fox News and all the right wing news organizations jumped on this as proof that progressives were out of touch with reality and rightfully so. The people

This feels like the right take to me, but that doesn’t play as well on Twitter, so it turns into this bizarre attack against someone who has already discussed this and confirms right wing nut jobs suspicions. A lot of these institutions have already had these discussions and now try to be more inclusive to different

I agree with you. Only 2% of high school athletes will even receive scholarships, so why is chasing them such a huge priority? This pressure starts really young in rec leagues before they even keep score. My kid played rec soccer at 5. Some parents acted like it was the world cup. We’ve made something that should be a

It really depends on the dog and their drive. My dog is the sweetest creature and a friend to all humans. She’s a former stray, so rabbits, groundhogs and squirrels are food. She’d absolutely run through an electric fence. A lot of working breeds that are bred to have a high discomfort threshold will do the same.

I agree with everything you’ve said. I just don’t know what the hell we’re supposed to do about it. Attempts to unionize are sabotaged and ultimately fade away. Wal-Mart and Amazon being prime examples. Workers are afraid to draw appropriate boundaries, because they can’t afford to lose their jobs or need insurance. I

Check out comments on Facebook and reddit on any left leaning space, and you’ll find plenty of defenses of Hamas.

People are currently defending Hamas as an organization focused on the good for Palestinians. Ignoring that the rockets that don’t make it to Israel kill Palestinians and that Hamas engages in honor killings and murders LGBTQ people. It’s not hurr durr Hamas also bad to point that out when people say, “Hamas is just

So would half of the Palestinians. I’m not sure how you can argue that the Israelis are worse in that regard. The actions of Isreal’s leadership are indefensible, so are Hamas’s actions. They have a history of using suicide bombers and specifically targeting civilians. They hit a school recently. Luckly, it had been

First of all I agree that the people defending Isreal need to consider what life is like for the Palestinians. That said, Hamas’s stated goal is a full Palestinian state. They don’t want a 2 state solution and they don’t want to live in shared state with the Jewish people  I disagree with many of Isreal’s actions, but

I think that’s a huge part of it. As a fuck up from a difficult family, I really feel for them. I believe almost everyone should have the opportunity for redemption. I hope they find happiness and they use the privilege and wealth to advocate for the causes that are important to them. I have no problems with them even

Can you imagine how much money companies would make on a sterilization shot? It would make no sense for companies to keep it a secret. A shot instead of a tubal or vasectomy would make billions. I get that logic isn’t a factor in conspiracy theories. I just really struggle mentally with this one for some reason.

Is this not the norm for tech bros? This is a genuine question. I’m not being flippant. I’m not terribly familiar with Bay Area tech culture. This kind of attitude seems in line with a lot of people that I know in tech. This idea that they’re very macho and self reliant. They sell themselves as woke libertarians but

I have a kid who likes Pokémon cards. I wouldn’t bring them near that section of the store at this point. I’d imagine that other people feel the same way. For Target, it might not make sense to stock the cards if parents won’t bring kids in and the people who do buy them cause issues. Bots will probably scoop up a bunc

I actually worked with one of the behaviorists that helped evaluate the Michael Vick dogs and determine the dogs that could be rehabilitated. She is amazing and just really understands dog behavior. Our dog was attacked by another dog during a fear period so he’s scared of other dogs. She was so helpful.

There people are awful and I don’t support what they did. I'm not defending them but it is tremendously difficult to rehome dogs with any bite history. Even if the bite was provoked. 

Um no. I’m not sure what in my comment gave you that impression. I specifically referenced a book about quitting drinking, so I’m not sure how you made the leap to I’m drinking more as a rebellious act.

I’ve been reading Quit Like A Woman which is interesting, but it really made me think about all the anti-capitalist, badass women I know who buy into the alcohol culture for women. I used to be one of them though my badassery is questionable at best. It just never occurred to me how much of my perception of alcohol is

I would’ve agreed with you a few weeks ago, but NC house Republicans annouced that they wouldn’t move forward with the anti-trans bill Save Women’s Sports H358 around the same time they announced that Apple would be setting up a new campus in Raleigh. It could be coincidence, but I don’t personally think so. There are

You frequently make disparaging comments about the Kardashian’s bodies and get upset that people call you out on it. I’m not superior to Kelli in anyway because of my body. My body type is currently popular. It wasn’t 10 years ago and it won’t be 10 years from now. Most of this is genetic and outside our control. It’s