Hail Creepsylvania

I have a butt to waist ratio that blows Kelli’s out of the competition. It’s all muscle. A lot of it is genetic. I have the right bone structure and the ability to put on muscle. There are plenty of strong women that can’t build their booty. I don’t see what the Kardashian’s bodies has to do with this conversation.

I'm shocked by the amount of people who encourage their elementary aged kids to do formal workouts on exercise equipment. They're too small to use the equipment correctly, and I just don't think that young children should have a formal exercise plan anyway. A pin should help, but as you said it won't stop parents from

My friends husband is the regional manager for our local Goodwills. Apparently the quality of donations is also a huge problem. They’re inundated with fast fashion, and they aren’t receiving many good quality items. They also ship items around to other Goodwills. So the Goodwill in the town with the median household in

That line of reasoning drives me bananas because it’s clear that the people don’t care about women’s sports. NCAA having unequal facilities, female athletes getting sexually harrassed, women’s Soccer Team being underpaid. That’s just economics! Transwomen playing a rec sport. Panic ensues!

I had a family member who was always complaining about people abusing welfare. Her husband lost his job. He could’ve gotten another job. He had several offers. Including one from the company my husband worked for. They offered him better

I think this is the podcast you’re referring to. Revealnews.org/podcast/losing-ground/

I used to do endurance running. I knew several runners who wore masks, because it helped with allergies. Galen Rupp does it for his asthma. We all did it in the cold. It’s really common for people to wear masks while hiking, biking, or running. It pisses me off that a bunch of fox news watching jackasses are going to

My kid has some of their leggings and they’ve really held up. I only wear their swimsuits. I’m a big fan of expensive and durable over cheap and disposable. Their bathing suits are great quality and supportive. Lose a bikini top to a wave one time, and you get pretty cautious.

I get my leggings from Superfit Hero. They are the same price, but they’re manufactured by a small body positive company in the US. They are high quality and I’ve had pairs for several years. I wear them all the time and they’re going strong. The shorts are about 3 times the price of the underarmour shorts I used to

It’s really hard to have a conversation with someone who accused me of using the same logic as a hateful bigot. Saying I don’t like this thing a business did isn’t the same as saying “we’re going to go to this business and show them how strong we are.”

How much control are celebrities supposed to have over their fans? Taylor Swift and Chrissy Teigan both appropriately called out people who insulted them publicly. Some of their fans went completely out of control. What responsibility do celebrities have to try and stop that behavior? Saying hey knock it off to their

I’m about as recovered from eating disorders as its possible to be. I agree with you so much. It’s baked into our culture. You see the body shaming and the promotion of weird diets even on this site often by commentors who are incredibly progressive in other ways. Equating thinness and the pursuit of thinness with

Or even just made sure the dancers were in on it. Then it could’ve been a promotion they did together. If he came in an said hey I’m going to tip you with real money and my fake money, please share it on your social media it would've fine.