Ragin Malaysian

My sister has the box set. I'm kinda curious, but I'm turned off by the probability of prison rape. Maybe that makes me a square, but so be it.

The only excuse I'm accepting is him having bad knees. Still, it was pretty fucking disgusting.

And if not the police, wouldn't someone in the media have decided to look it up? The show is going out of its way to point out the media fascination with the case, so it's kinda weird that someone at the Post or Daily News hasn't done some digging. Naz's history of violence would be catnip for the Post.

If it doesn't happen, I applaud HBO for showing restraint for the first time ever.

Step-father does sound like an obvious suspect, but it doesn't really matter if he did it or not. Stone just has to sow enough reasonable doubt in the jury to get Naz off.

He's not gonna golf or spend time with his family, so yes, boat it is.

Him finding himself on the same side as Stone might be too much fan service, but it would be pretty awesome too.

I liked how they cut to it three times. Weiss handled it like a pro too.

They are to this show what Harley Quinn's ass is to Suicide Squad.

Woulda been hilarious if the guy was named Gristedes instead.

I think you mean Oscar Winner Fisher Stevens.

The cut to the shower was some great dark humor.

I can see the Freddy stuff being seen as too movie-like or cliche for a story set in prison, but the performances and writing elevate it. It's kind of like what Omar was to The Wire, an island of badass cliches in an ocean of realism. Maybe like The Wire, this show will undercut the character in the future somehow.

That was Central Booking, which is in Lower Manhattan. There are a bunch of courthouses and federal buildings nearby.

At first I thought, "Oh what a helpful fellow" then he turns his face and there's a tattoo of a knife on it. I'm guessing he's not in there for petty larceny.

Sure, but I think that journey is a hell of a lot more doable than going crosstown, crossing a bridge and navigating Queens. At least Manhattan has a grid layout.

The cat in the end was a stylistic flourish. Ain't no way that cat traveled all the way to Queens from the Upper West Side.

Also, the guy had taken a bunch of drugs and drank a lot just a couple of hours before. He acted stupidly, but his actions were generally plausible.

I loved the bit with the desk sergeant and the CSU guys giving each other shit for messing up an exchange of evidence.That's something you never see on television.

From my limited knowledge, Mischa (or Misha) is the Russian nickname version of Mikhail.