I was just going to post this. They’re basically lobbying for theoretical people. This is pretty much “Every Sperm Is Sacred” territory.
I was just going to post this. They’re basically lobbying for theoretical people. This is pretty much “Every Sperm Is Sacred” territory.
You know that in order to “prove a point”, Trump is going to somehow find someone even worse to replace her.
It’s an interesting contrast that this is coming to light as David Iriving, anti-Semite, Holocaust denier, and disgraced “historian”, has crawled out from under a rock to make a few public statements as the racist right is having its resurgence.
Not that he or hs ilk are going to be convinced by evidence - because…
Maybe they were more coherent to begin with?
There’s a good chance that DeVos has investments in and other ties to school privatization companies, beyond the “foundations” she’s involved with.
“Unauthorized recording” is mealy-mouthed bullshit. New York is a “one-party consent” state for audio recording. Unless she dropped the recorder in the room and left herself, she’s on firm legal ground. Now, mind you, your employer might look unfavorably on that, and depending on your contract, or if you’re an at-will…
He can scream for more Hot Pockets that way.
He shouldn’t be in too much of a hurry to plug that Time cover:
With a 35 year age gap, he’s certainly unlikely to ever see her get “to old” for him.
Based on how unhinged he’s been, the rotting lower teeth, the interview behavior that looks like he’s about to start flailing at things in the air that only he can see, and some reports of him perhaps having a bit too much to drink before a paid speech or two where he slurred his words and rambled, I’m not surprised.…
Who actually wrote that letter the doctor signed was so questionable that I’m surprised it didn’t refer to Trump’s prostate as “entirely unbig”.
There are few conflict of interest laws that apply directly to the President or Vice-President, unlike (for example) Cabinet positions - which are appointed. It’s somewhat difficult for Congress to legislate this, because of the separation of powers.
The President isn’t allowed under the Constition to get any gift…
If he actually tries to do the job, I think it’ll kill him. I honestly don’t think he can take the hours and stress.
I may rediscover prayer - for a meteor strike during filming - if that happens.
Well, that’s no more crazy than Ronald Reagan’s or Sarah Palin’s interpretations of A Model of Christian Charity.
Closer to 500 vanishing. Three hundred of those jobs were engineering positions that weren’t on the chopping block anyway. So even the 800 number is bullshit, and not just because it’s fewer than 1,000.
Yup. On some level, the whole thing just comes down to “somehow I must somehow seem different, ignoring the fact that I’m doing it in a way that’s like a bunch of other people”. You grew up, you had kids, dude. It’s hardly unconventional, no matter what you’ve named your kids or you have them call you. Just do us all…
About the only thing I haven’t heard as an “iden” name is a throat/sinus clearing noise in front of it, probably only because there isn’t a precious way to spell it.
There are reasons that the “Ice Capades” never offers pieces that take on serious topics like natural disasters, child abuse, drug addiction, sexual assault, and genocide.
I’d love to see the Virginia Museum of Transportation and the NCTM produce a video with the old N&S J-Class 611 on one of its excursion trips. I saw it when passing through Roanoke a few years ago, before they restored it to working condition again - it’s really hard to visualize just how big the damn thing is - just…