There’s a big subset of amateur “food activists” that are scientifically illiterate. Probably about the same percentage as the general population, but they’re louder.
There’s a big subset of amateur “food activists” that are scientifically illiterate. Probably about the same percentage as the general population, but they’re louder.
Frats and sororities get their insurance through the national chapters. They do this because private insurers won’t touch them - they’re literally only one step better than toxic waste transport companies in terms of insurance risk.
If this chapter can’t line up the insurance, Yale ought to revoke any recognition of…
Honestly, I enjoyed it more than Ultron or the 2nd and 3rd Iron Man films. It had some of the “gee whiz” factor that you’d expect from, say, a Spider-Man film, and I think it made it really appealing.
The entire event is a joke. The WHCA gets most of its annual revenue from this $3,000 / plate dinner. Eight years ago, about 60% of their revenue went to scholarships, as of recent filings, it’s down to about 21%. It’s a level of shameless self-importance that even the Oscars have trouble matching.
I did enjoy Bob…
It thought it was great, too. And I think he went easy on them. Blitzer is like a news matre d’, Don Lemon is awful, and nearly to a person CNN, MSNBC, and Fox are staffed by useless tools.
The only time these assholes have any chance of being uncomfortble during a normal year is this event. So it’s great when the…
I’m not a huge fan of the blues either - but it’s because they don’t require more force to press them down. They’re still not as good for typing as actual buckling spring keyboards like the old model M or the Unicomp models.
I’m not a huge fan of the blues either - but it’s because they don’t require more force to press them down. They’re…
I’m glad they eventually showed the animal-themed parking map. I couldn’t figure out the “Giraffe” “Rooster” “Bear” sign combo around the 3:30 mark.
My wife had this done a year after we got married. She’s not quite 5' 2", and was a similar size. She’d been uncomfortable as long as I’d known her - backaches, neckaches, bra straps cutting into her shoulders, etc. After the procedure, it was fantastic - she felt SO much better.
My wife teaches high school photography, among other things. She’s got tenure and 15 years of seniority. And still, she flips through photography books, says “Hey, that’s great for my classroom” and finds an abstract Brandt nude or a fairly tame Mapplethorpe, and it quickly turns into “Nope! Can’t use that as a…
This is Feige trying to show Permutter that his is bigger. The TV division (Loeb) reports to Permutter, and Feige doesn’t have to give a fuck any longer, worry about whether or not any of it makes sense.
They didn’t need to leave an empty seat for Elijah. Rubio’s doesn’t count as occupied, as he’s an empty suit.
I’d agree, but I also think there’s an argument to be made in favor of strategic/defensive voting, and Sarandon is explicitly rejecting that, and actually seems to be adopting the “hey, whatever, if the worst Republican becomes president, the revolution happens sooner!” philosophy. That’s just juvenile.
He’s now my go-to example of the “Uncanny Valley” istead of the creepy Tom Hanks conductor from “Polar Express”.
I have a friend from college who is an ARDENT Sanders supporter. Refers to Hillary Clinton as “$hillary”, the whole thing. It’s sort of weird, seeing a progressive essentially parrot all the stuff that right-wing talk radio has been saying about Hillary Clinton for years.
She flat out can’t understand why various…
I’m on Team Messing here. After all, no matter how bad things get, Susan Sarandon will do just fine, and will never have to truly live with the consequences of the “explosion” she spoke so fondly of.
Sarandon actually seemed to embrace the whole “heightening the contradicitons” worldview during the MSNBC. It arguably…
Well, look at it this way. His delusion allows him to feel like HE’S the one being victimized by the Sandy Hook shooting - since it was “fake” in order for the government to “take his guns”.
There’s an intense need on the part of some pretty unpersecuted people to feel persecuted.
Having fans that expect a quality product is a pain in the ass. Movie studio management types are promoted for their ability to make money and kiss ass when needed, not for their ability to produce a quality product. They don’t know how, it just happens sometimes by accident.
Let’s require drug tests in order to take advantage of certain tax deductions!
When the “superdelegates” put a candidate that didn’t have the most primary votes cast for him/her over the top, wake me. Otherwise, who cares?
The current FiveThirtyEight projection is that Clinton will have about 4 million more primary votes cast for her than Sanders will by the end of the process. If that holds,…
Well, now that the movie management has been split off from Marvel’s main operation that’s still handling the TV show, there’s obviously little ongoing coordination. It’s drifting towards a Warner/DC level movie/TV gap, and they don’t have a multiverse to hand-wave it all away with.