
The only reason they're doing this is to save business, I say everyone should still abandon ship from GoDaddy including big sites like Wikipedia. They need to be punished for supporting the bill in the first place, clearly they are not really on the side of net neutrality, they just don't want to lose customers.

The fact that they republished it at all shows how poor the staff of Gizmodo has become at posting quality articles to their site.

Seriously? Do you assume that every retail store that plays Christmas music is also Christian, and get offended? Gizmodo, fire most of your joke of a staff.

The Lion King was awesome in 3D.

Just don't lose this one guys.

I like mars....

Just find a copy of Superman 64 on ebay.

To be fair his features aren't very pronounced, which is what they probably mean.

For me it was because when I was 7 years old I read Tintin for the first time and his adventures spanned the globe and were more serious than what I had been reading up to that point (chapter books and some garfield). He went to America, Scotland, South America, Egypt, China, even the Moon. That was really cool for

Asexual pertains to sexual interest, meaning Tintin is not interested in women or men. The term you are referring to would be androgynous, which means he would be indiscernible as a male or female character. A good example of androgyny would be certain Final Fantasy characters like Kadaj.

Then stop bitching about it. I watch all kinds of stuff "for girls" with an understanding of the target audience and I choose to enjoy it based on it being quality, not based on it being targeted at anyone. Like My Little Pony, I love it, it's awesome. Do I want them to change it to be more male friendly? Nope, I

Maybe there IS something wrong with you. Spielberg and Jackson are both huge Tintin fans, and they are making a movie faithful to the original series. You, someone who has never read the comics at all, are disappointed that the producers didn't rewrite the entire movie to cater to your gender? Which by the way,

Sorry but it just doesn't make sense for them to put a female character in. The writing would have to be altered for the sake of the girl, her role would either be a sideshow role which is a cheap trick to stick a female into the film, or she would have to be a major character and that would deviate the story away

Have you read the comics at all? I don't know how it feels from your perspective but I never got a sense that gender had anything to do with the adventure... there was never any romance element to Tintin, so he never had a girlfriend. There were otherwise no female roles in the comic, I mean it was written in the

I can't really think of any female characters in Tintin other than Signora Castafiore... but then it's been 15 years since I read one.

The only problem with that logic is that SOPA is no less ridiculous than making dns proxy illegal, and they're still trying to do it.

I'm glad this happened, I hope they get sued up to their eyeballs. Then, all the cases they won against others should be called into question as well as their viability and credibility as an organization. Blood for blood.

Anyone know the wallpaper used in the iPad in the article photo?

Anyone else bothered by the phrasing " the intellectual property of this nation."?