
The cervix is between the birth canal and the interior of the womb

We're talking about the same web site that just lost a massive privacy investigation right?

Both of my sisters are exactly the types of girls who like this stuff so..... think before you post.

That is the epitome of a meaningless statement

Realism is overrated. Everything these days has to be realistic, from crime dramas to special effects to how the fucking stitching is animated on a character's costume in a damn video game. Barring yet *another* topic about female portrayal in video games, can't we just enjoy the games without concerning ourselves

If you can see the cervix then there are much bigger problems to be concerned about, it's located at the end of the birth canal deep inside the vagina.

What if I want to have a meaningful twitter conversation about certain swear words and it's a popular topic? That sounds like censoring to me.

I know in Japan there are markets for both, but I know that a lot of women like shounen comics just as much as shoujo. So I don't know if that's totally accurate... not that it's not true, but I think there's more to it

OK I could say this in a reply to some other thread but I have a serious question when it comes to progressive behavior towards women. Using comics as an example, women in comics are more sexualized than EVER right? I mean look at the new Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad. So... why is it then than more women are into

@Shinta Your last line in the OP is exactly how I feel

I meant the bronies, mostly, get along with each other. I very rarely ever see arguments break out among them (I'm a huge brony myself), and very few people in brony circles really treats each other different because of gender or race. It felt like a good example, since my experience has been very positive when it

I'm so sick of this subject. At least once a week someone on Kotaku writes a big article on sexism in geek culture or women in gaming or what it's like to be a woman gamer etc etc blah blah. And then the said article is mixed in with a bunch of other "articles" showcasing girls cosplaying Mai Shiranui or whoever the

Pardon me I thought art quality should go UP over time not down. Especially when the newer art is not just lower quality, but extremely unimaginative. Everything feels flat, shading is basic, use of colors is bland... it looks like a quick color job of some vectored images in Illustrator.

Agreed, I just read Daredevil: Echo (Vision Quest) by David Mack and a bunch of stuff illustrated by Alex Maleev and I can't really approve of the art style used in this new line.

I've been doing backpacking for years and I'd say the best way to break into it is very slowly. Spend your time learning what to do before buying all the equipment. Like you don't want to do winter camping if you're not an experienced camper in the summer, so scratch the cold weather stuff for now. And you really want

I was actually considering this as I was typing my previous comments. For the first time in my life, I'm sitting here seriously contemplating whether I'd rather adopt or have my own children, I had always thought of having my own before but you know... it's not really about me.

I'm a christian and I see no religious conflict with it. I kinda see a moral conflict, considering there are a lot of kids out there who could be adopted. But I don't see that as a religious issue, it's just something I feel I'd rather do.

For all the nerdy things in my room like posters of the Enterprise or Gundam models or books, I suppose it's nice to know that my room would meet a Japanese girl's stamp of approval.

I feel like raising the bar for crowd control is just going to produce a nasty confrontation someday where there's a backlash against the police and a lot of people will die on both sides...