
I thought it looked like Chiyo...

If they're going to steal technology from Gundam, I'd rather they start with Space Colonies

I knew about Little Mermaid but I never paid much attention to the other stories.

This actually happened about 10 miles from my home. There was a huge old prison complex that was sold to a housing company and they bulldozed the entire area and rebuilt. There are some really nice homes out there now, some of the highest property value in the area.

As an American, I don't have a clue what you're talking about.

I'm sorry wait a minute, you're saying that we don't know if it can be avoided? Wasn't the article driven on the point that requiring an always-on connection was a big part of the problem? So you're saying that if they didn't require an always-on connection, and you could just put the game in and play it offline, we

So? That's a standard that was set forth not by me, stop nitpicking stupid bullshit. You understand the question right? Your need to point out something that bothers you, instead of actually answering the question, makes you come off as bitchy. Even if you actually bothered to include an attempt at an answer then you

I was thinking the same thing as I read the article. Why is it that strong female character gets lumped in with lesbian in a lot of cases? Why can't there be feminine lesbians, and strong straight women in there too?

Oh hey a sailboat!

They might as well already have.


Ha, I used to play with Mittani. He's a cool guy when you're on his side.


I never knew that Lucy was the name of those fossils.... that explains where certain characters got their name from...

Da Vinci traveled back in time with The Doctor

Flash is on this list but not The Tick? Live action Tick was brilliant.

I encourage it to be spread as much as possible, I dunno how effective it is but I've pushed back abusive employers with less

I'm not looking for employment right now but I put this in my About Me page:

Which specific law is that? Might be a good idea for people to start pasting that into their About Me sections of their pages. Sort of a "Dear Prospective Employer, publicly available posts from this Facebook page are welcome to be viewed, however per x law anything not expressly authorized to be accessed by the

God forbid a one minute clip isn't up to your standards of television. Perhaps you'd prefer they use that time to plug shitty toy cereal/commercials instead?