
I know this is off topic but I see that iPad wallpaper a lot in stock photos and I like it, does anyone know where to get it?

"Mozilla's products were around before browser security was such a relevant issue," says Accuvant researcher Chris Valasek. "Chrome was just born at the correct time in the correct environment."

I like it, I think she's cute with her little punk thing going on. I wish she wasn't such a skank though, I liked Harley as being loyal to the Joker and she's throwing it all over the place in the new comics.

For the amount of money it costs us to send satellites and rovers to Mars, it seems like the money would be better spent to get one astronaut with a color camera and a shovel over there for just a few hours. We'd advance our knowledge of the planet decades more than we will with our current methods.

I haven't read any of the New 52 stuff yet but I for one think she looks adorable. Just from the posted images in this article, I really like her new look.

It's a welcome update, but I don't use enough of the features to care much. My triple click is set to invert the screen, which is what I've been using for "Night mode". I don't use highlights and I like it better as is than in fullscreen mode, I'll have to check out the new fonts though.

Consider this: all humans do is die and destroy shit.

Gripmaster? Carpal Tunnel? Seriously? Carpal Tunnel is caused by a pinching of a nerve in the wrist, a result of poor ergonomics over an extended period of time. Strengthening your arm/wrist/fingers isn't going to help that at all, only proper positioning of the arms and hands will be helpful coupled with regular 5

I imagine a lot of that information is not actually sent out in reports, there would be a noticeable bandwidth drain if your phone sent off a packet every time you turned the screen on or off or tapped a key. I don't know what actually makes it back to carriers or carrier iq but I doubt it's as extensive as what the

What other platforms? Apple? iOS looks fine and makes good use of elements like drop shadows, and I like a lot of UI elements used in OSX and various linux distros especially how workspace management is coming along. I just don't like that flat look of everything on W8 and some of Google's projects like their Search

I haven't tried it yet but I don't like how all the menus and buttons are square and flat, I have the same problem with a lot of Google's UI stuff they're doing. But that's just me I guess.

Oh yeah, that may be true but did the police or FBI ever do anything with that information? That's a rare example of them actually providing useful evidence to support something that law enforcement can deal with, most of their vigilantism has only served to expose security holes in their targets and show people they

Anonymous, Team Poison, lulzsec, and the whole antisec thing seem really great at causing a lot of trouble without causing any of the good they preach as being their motives.

I like it. Carmen Sandiego looks about right, and she's really the sexiest one on there in my opinion. (I like Samus better, but she's too suited up to count for me)

It seems awfully popular lately to pepper spray people...

I don't know the backstory of any writer or commentor on any Gawker blog but I do know this: I'm more likely to criticize you for bad grammer or news stories not worth posting than who you are as a person. So... drama queen much?

Anyone who says kawaii a single time to describe something is overusing it. It is exponentially more inappropriate if that person is not speaking Japanese and throws it into a sentence.

I just left an internal drive sitting on my desk next to a hot swap bay. No one ever bothered to check what was on it for the 4 years it sat there.

First the headline says the deals are decent after all, then I click the article and I see "This year's batch is about as oh-decent-I-guess as always." Shameful Gizmodo.