
Did Apple organize this alliance? Why are they named in the headline? Seriously Gizmodo I really want to know the reason here, I thought it was a group thing among the corporations...

Open carry laws in my state mean I actually CAN carry a sword pretty much anywhere, assuming private property owners don't mind, but yeah it's kinda a pain. Then again, when the apocalypse hits, who's going to argue with you?

Millions of people already do pirate from these guys and they're not bankrupt yet. The BEST way to bankrupt them is to provide much cheaper or free software that's just as good. Because there will always be enough paying customers to keep the kind of software they make in demand, the only way to do real damage is to

It stands to reason that they would support the bill. Adobe? How much does Adobe software cost? How many people do you know who pirated it? Yeah, I'm not surprised they're on board with it.

Not useful, not really news at all, admittedly it IS about games though it's mislabeled as being about a new one when it's actually one that's 4 years old, and promotes bad music as part of the content of the article. I thought this was a news site, not a dumbass livejournal page. Gawker should reevaluate it's

I actually think she's really pretty, I've never seen her picture before.

Didn't livejournal do this like 10 years ago?

Gizmodo will post just about anything these days I guess...

The raccoons had it coming.

The raccoons had it coming.

I love your username

What is this, middle school?

First of all, of course they do. Companies want to make money and war and terrorism sells right now because it's a hot issue. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but it doesn't take a university professor to see it. Second of all, how does she propose we DO act then? Games about war and military activity were around

Biggest game in history? Have they ever heard of Tetris?

All I'm gonna say on the subject is I like Nintendo. They're not perfect but I like em. I also like My Little Pony.

Maybe you can hire this guy to get it back for you.

I'm only interested in this place if there are Rin cosplaying waitresses that you can transfer mana with just like in the game.

I saw the guy in the safari outfit and could only think of that Jumanji movie.

I think Apple is trying to move people away from phone numbers and to Apple IDs instead. If I send a picture to someone via iMessage using their phone number, it won't pop up on an iPod or iPad, only the phone. But if you use an Apple ID, it works. For i Message to work properly you want to update ALL your contacts

This is what I call a non-article.