Blundering Blockhead

I can understand your argument on a game like, say, Diablo where you only control one character and everything is real time. In these Obsidian games though, they are “real time with pause”, where you hit spacebar to pause the game, tell each member of your party what you want them to do, and then unpause and they do

This is an age old dilemma in show business. People starting out are so focused on trying to make a name for themselves that they will do whatever it takes to get everybody’s attention. Then once they have everybody’s attention they realize that they were so caught up in trying to get that attention that they never

I’m a gameplay engineer at Visceral, and I can assure you this studio is alive and well. Battlefield: Hardline was a financial success, and we are now working on a new Star Wars game. I can’t give you any details about the game as it’s still in development, obviously, but it’s public knowledge that Amy Hennig is the

Mark Hamill voiced 3 characters: Ripburger, Todd, and Emmet.

I know this is pie in the sky, but I’d like to see the lone gunmen back on the show somehow. Even if they don’t retcon the story, they could have them in a flashback sequence or something.

I think you mean “detractors” rather than “distractors”, right? Unless you are saying that these people distract him somehow.

...there’s more than enough room for casual tastes to exist in the industry without imposing an existential threat on the kind of games you enjoy.

Yeah, I don’t know. There are plenty of works of art (paintings, poems, songs, novels, movies, games, etc) where you could ask 20 people to interpret them you get 20 completely different explanations. I think that’s the point of some works of art. It’s like you’re given a rough outline and you are supposed to come up

Well, there is this interesting paragraph:

I’m a game engineer, and before going into the games industry I was a software engineer at a bank. Software engineers NEED internet access to do our jobs. Engineers do a thousand google searches a day to find tutorials, API documentation, message boards, articles, youtube video tutorials, etc. Ever heard of a little

You’re confusing court of law with court of public opinion. Whether or not Ouya did something illegal has nothing to do with whether or not the fans approve of what they’ve done. It’s like the famous Jurassic Park quote: “You were so concerned with whether or not you could that you didn’t stop to think if you should.”

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say he’s someone not worthy of respect, and then say you are offended that other people disrespected him.

If you’re smart enough to hack into professional grade networks, then you’re smart enough to not get to play the “dumb kid” card.

The only way to reliably, quickly, and consistently eliminate their internet access is to put them in a cage that has no internet access. That’s the only way you can reliably monitor someone 24/7.

The main reason I believe his punishment should be harsh is to deter other would-be swatters. If we give swatters a slap on the wrist, then that isn’t much of a deterrent for other swatters.

There’s 2 completely different things here, and you are mixing them up.

You said this:

Let me spell it out for you like this:

Yeah, I don’t look at it that way. If I set up a donation scheme for a homeless shelter, and I say “If you donate $50 you get a voucher for a free subway sandwich. If you donate $200 you get a silver plated plaque with your name on it. If you donate $500 you get a gold plated plaque with your name on it.” That doesn’t

I didn’t say anything about changing the pledge tiers. I’m talking about changing/adding stretch goals and adding new videos/text that gives new information about the project. It’s entirely possible someone might want to back a project early on and then after new information is presented in a status update they change