Blundering Blockhead

On the flipside of that, if Zuckerberg had never made this mistake in the first place, then those 11,000 people never would have been hired at Meta because Meta never would have gone through the expansion that caused them to hire 11,000 more people. So if he’d never made this mistake, then those 11,000 people would

From a certain point of view, Apple is salting Epic’s earth.  They are making things difficult for every other company that does business with Epic.  This could very easily wind up creating strained business relationships and make those companies not want to do business with Epic anymore just to avoid being targeted

I live in an apartment complex on the 4th floor (top floor). Let’s say the cops raid the apartment right below mine on the 3rd floor. I sure as hell don’t want them to fire a warning shot into the ceiling of that apartment because that round would come into my apartment. I’m also fairly certain the people right below

I’m an engineer in the AAA games industry. Games have code names until they are officially announced to the world. Even the developers don’t know what the final title is going to be. The higher ups keep that info under lock and key to prevent leaks.

The OP was clearly being sarcastic. He laid it on very thick. But thanks for playing, Captain Obvious.

The anonymity that the internet provides gives people the ability/courage to act worse than they would in person. People say things on the internet all the time that they would never say to a person’s face.

I wonder if any psychologists have done serious academic research into the psyche behind internet trolls. Honestly, my guess is that if you met these people on the street and interfaced with them in person they’d seem like perfectly normal people. It’s internet anonymity that creates this kind of behavior. I could

Yes, because getting out of hardware and going the publisher route worked out so well for Sega.

I’m probably not the first person to suggest this, but I think he did this backwards from how he should have. Instead of having people send the games to him, he should have sent his rom dumping equipment to them, and then he could have trained them to use the equipment via Skype or a written tutorial.

The simple fact here is that a combination of Amazon, eBay, and digital distribution have rendered traditional brick and mortar stores practically obsolete. People (especially from younger generations) don’t shop at brick and mortar stores anymore, and these corporations are feeling the squeeze and trying everything

Let me explain it simply:

Your assumption about the t-shirt is inaccurate. She used images of Zoidberg as branding for her channel. Her name is Zoie Burgher, which is very similar to Zoidberg. That’s why she’s using Zoidberg imagery. People will remember her name because they will associate her with Zoidberg. She knows this, which is why

I’m a lifelong gamer and a software engineer, so I’m a techie type guy. I’m also a cable cutter. I use Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, and Playstation Vue. I also play games online quite a bit (PC and consoles). I just went to my comcast account and looked over the last several months and my account’s data usage has been


Go to any rom download site and look through the names of the roms. You’ll see 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc in the titles. These are version numbers. They would release a buggy cartridge and then release another version of the cartridge that fixed the bugs. I’m talking about games that were unversally lauded at the time, like

There has never been an era in the history of gaming where a perfect game was released on day 1 every time. In the old cartridge days buggy games were released and then a new version of the cartridge would get released later that fixed the bugs. Go to any rom site and look at the names of the roms. You’ll see 1.0,

I don’t agree with this mentality, not just for this case, but in general. If I create a product, and some idiot acts like a dumbass while using my product, I shouldn’t be liable for that.

One aspect of this that you aren’t considering is that optical media has a finite shelf life. Sooner or later the plastic will deteriorate enough that the disc is no longer readable. From what I’ve read this deterioration process is estimated to only take around 35-40 years or so. The earliest CD based games (Sega CD,

Doors aren’t games. Doors are one tiny little piece of a game. This same process has to be done for everything in the entire game. This is why it takes 2+ years and a team of 150+ people to make a typical modern AAA game. I’m a gameplay engineer at a AAA company, so I know this first hand. And yes you do have to

With regards to the little girl that she killed, I don’t think there was a better way to handle it. In the apocalypse, there are no psychiatric facilities for dangerous mentally disturbed people. What are you supposed to do with them? Do you tie them up and treat them as prisoners? Do you banish them and send them off