Blundering Blockhead

I’ve seen kickstarters where the main goal might be $500k with a few stretch goals up to, say, $1.5m. Then after they start getting close to $1.5m they start adding new stretch goals past the $1.5m mark and those new stretch goals are visible on the main page. Somehow they have a way of adding new stuff to the main

Pledges are legally binding *once the timer is up*. During the countdown period it’s just people saying, “I intend to donate X”, but it hasn’t actually been donated until the timer hits 0. That’s why they can say, “I no longer intend to donate X.” before the timer is up.

The only thing doctored from the video is that during the stunt JCVD was wearing a safety harness with a wire attached to one of the trucks, in case he slipped (so he wouldn’t get killed). They doctored out the wire from the final video. It took him 6 attempts to finally pull it off, but the trucks going in reverse

Yes, you can watch a making of video on youtube. That Volvo truck stunt is totally legit. The trucks are driving backwards. The whole point is to advertise how stable their new steering system is. (You can use the system to drive a truck backwards in a perfectly straight line.) Obviously, the drivers were pros, so who

Certain scenes from the God of War franchise remind me of this. Climbing on a colossus in SotC feels similar to climbing on a Titan in GoW.

I’d say it’s more like this:

The only logical explanation is that the phone number that you got for the place is a misprint. Some random guy that has nothing to do with this bar has been getting called by dozens of reporters and he has decided to start messing with them by making them think they’ve called the right number and then spouting off

Look, I agree with you in general. For the most part people should obey the law, but it’s a balancing act. My overall point here is that everybody has a line, and if a law gets passed that crosses that line the person will say, “This law is dumb. It shouldn’t exist, I’m not going to obey it, and I’m going to do

“Protesting and pushing to get a law changed is not even close to the same thing as making excuses for breaking it. You also greatly diminish your position when you’re breaking the very laws you’re attempting to change, while you attempt to change them.”

“The difference is that I don’t hold the position that speed laws shouldn’t exist, or that it shouldn’t apply to me.”

So if you’d been born in the 1800s you would have opposed the underground railroad that freed slaves, then, given that it was illegal at the time. That’s the problem with an absolute faith in the rule of law. Sometimes the law is immoral, and if you support it anyway just because you believe in the rule of law, then

Ok, fine. Marijuana possession laws are still half-assedly enforced in certain areas, for now.

There are tons of old archaic laws from hundreds of years ago still in the books that nobody in their right mind would ever enforce. They just haven’t bothered to take the time to remove them from the books. Are you saying these laws actually still matter somehow:

“Speeding is a largely unenforced law that gets broken daily, that doesn’t mean you’re beyond punishment should you happen to get caught.”

2 things:

You’re saying that people shouldn’t smoke weed *because* it’s illegal, right? If so, are you saying this purely out of pragmatism because you don’t want people to go to jail and be a burden on the state, or are you saying this for sanctimonious reasons because you believe that drugs are morally/ethically wrong? Do you

Yes, you asked a question, but you didn’t ask the question in good faith. You phrased the question in a way that implied that you intended it to be rhetorical. You thought you’d get a bunch of stars by bashing someone that you perceived to be an asshole. Then when people corrected you on your mistake you pretended

You seem to be hung up on the fact that weed is illegal. Are you a cop? Just because something is legal doesn’t mean that it’s right (slavery was legal for a time), and just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it’s wrong (like situations where the government is corrupt and gets paid off to make something

You realize that it looks that way because all Virtual Boy games looked that way. The system could only display red and black. So, really, you should say that you could call the Virtual Boy the “Terminator console”.

I think you have him mistaken for the mass murderer from Norway a few years ago. This guy didn’t murder anybody. He was one of the creators of The Pirate Bay, so he’s in prison for piracy.